Sentences with phrase «multilateral cooperation»

Multilateral cooperation means countries coming together and working jointly to solve problems or achieve common goals. It involves collaboration among multiple nations, where they share responsibilities, resources, and ideas to address issues like climate change, poverty, or peacekeeping. It emphasizes the importance of working together instead of individual efforts, fostering understanding and unity among countries for the benefit of all. Full definition
National contributions can be adjusted upwards over time, especially as mobilization of climate finance and other forms of multilateral cooperation which are catalysed by the new Paris agreement will allow governments to go further and faster, even before 2030.
Deepening interconnection of grids and introducing carbon pricing will encourage multilateral cooperation.
A Pan-Asian Energy Infrastructure would use fiscal policy (through carbon pricing and eliminating fossil fuel subsidies) to fund ocordinated infrastructure investment (through multilateral cooperation) resulting in more open markets (through increased cross-border energy trade) resulting in lower prices (through heightened competition).
Crucially, multilateral cooperation surrounding the rise of China must not be abandoned.
On the contrary, China has long adhered to regional and global cooperation mechanisms and followed international rules, with Xi reiterating the importance of bilateral and multilateral cooperation in trade and security and responsible leadership in matters of global significance.
Ultimately, one of the most worrying concerns is that a trade war will have negative spillovers in other areas where multilateral cooperation is most needed (e.g. managing financial integration, addressing corporate taxation, environmental sustainability).
If multilateral cooperation were to fail, governments would have incentives to set tariffs at levels which would be «optimal» in a pure mercantilist setting.
Yet the collapse of the political structures of several North African countries in the early 2011 was a huge blow for bilateral and multilateral cooperation mechanisms.
As multilateral cooperation increases, and consequently so do the tasks assigned to the EU to regulate such cooperation, they will have to be matched with appropriate resources.
She abhorred human conflict because she believed in the possibilities of a fair, equitable and just international regime, based on the principles of multilateral cooperation under the auspices of the United Nations, an institution she so much admired and yet with which she never failed to express her frustration, as evidenced in the protracted UNCLOS negotiations.
As an advanced international platform for tourism exchange and a bridge for multilateral cooperation...
As this occurred, Hainan and the Northern Territory would become the bookends of a grand theatre of multilateral cooperation aimed at ensuring — for everyone's benefit — the security and smooth functioning of a Pan-Asian Energy Infrastructure.
This would help reduce territorial tensions through deepening multilateral cooperation.
One incentive that could encourage multilateral cooperation is to introduce carbon pricing that could «rearrange the «dispatch order» of regional electricity - generation in favor of low - emission energy sources.»
It plays down the importance of multilateral cooperation (though it still backs traditional US alliances such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization).
Market power can be used to measure each country's uncooperative tariff structure which would prevail in pure mercantilist world (i.e. in the absence of multilateral cooperation).
In dealing with a range of threats» from international terrorists to such «rogue nations» as North Korea and Iran» international institutions and multilateral cooperation can and must play a crucial role.
All the states ore encouraged to significantly improve bilateral and multilateral cooperation to foster regional development.
For the first time, the United States and China will work together and with other countries to use the expertise and institutions of the Montreal Protocol to phase down the consumption and production of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), among other forms of multilateral cooperation.
That means, just as our colleagues argued in Climate Pragmatism, that there are numerous opportunities to cost - effectively tackle these «no regrets» pollutants «through traditional air pollution regulations, the spread of best practices, and multilateral cooperation
To actually be deployed, geoengineering technologies would need a strong regulatory framework — either a carbon price for CDR technologies, or multilateral cooperation.
(b) Policy approaches and positive incentives to reduce emissions from deforestation in developing countries, including causes; short - and long - term effectiveness with respect to emission reductions; the displacement of emissions; bilateral and multilateral cooperation; activities of other relevant international bodies; enhancing sustainable forest management; capacity - building; and financial mechanisms and other alternatives — basing discussions on experiences and lessons learned;
Governments trade freedom of action for the benefits of multilateral cooperation.
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