Sentences with word «multinodular»

A toxic multinodular goiter is to blame for hyperthyroidism in many people over 60 years old.
The Jod - Basedow phenomenon, also known as iodine - induced hyperthyroidism or thyrotoxicosis, can also occur in those with a history of autonomous multinodular or non-toxic goiter (1).
It can also be used to suppress or treat some types of goiters like chronic or sub acute lymphocytic thyroiditis or otherwise known as Hashimoto's disease, multinodular kind of goiter, thyroid nodules and management of thyroid cancer.
In conclusion, thyroid - stimulating antibodies in a bioassay or TSH - receptor antibodies detected with the h - TBII assay have the highest diagnostic power to differentiate Graves» disease from toxic multinodular goitre.
I was schedule for surgery on Sept ’14 for a total Thyroidectomy with Left multinodular 3.4 cm and Right multinodule with A Typical Aphasia and Hashimoto Thyroiditis.
In some cases, multinodular goiter — an enlarged thyroid with nodules — can also cause the thyroid to release excessive amounts of thyroid hormone.
I had RAI 6 years ago for a multinodular toxic goiter.
Hashimotos Thyroiditis, Graves Disease and multinodular goiters are common causes of goiter, and in more extreme cases cancer can by the culprit.
The pancreas becomes firm and multinodular and often contains scattered areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.
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