Sentences with phrase «multiple causes»

Frequently there are multiple cause for any recorded phenomena and this may well be the case in the decline in sign - ups to army dating sites.
Problems such as a cat losing hair can have multiple causes including parasites, illness, allergy and stress.
What's far harder for us is to think about multiple causes at the same time.
There are surely multiple causes of this phenomenon, but one major factor has been the separation of theology from the communities and practices that form religious identity and character.
Are there situations where an exclusion won't apply because there were multiple causes of loss?
Cat hair loss has multiple causes including parasites, illness, allergy and in 10 % of cases due to stress.
«There does seem to be an upper bound of what we can learn about common diseases with multiple causes,» says Kraft, who thinks the paper illustrates why «we're not going to have a huge impact» on the average person with genome sequencing.
Even the scale and trend behind natural variability is subject to an unknown number of overlapping cycles from multiple causes many of which are unknown, unquantified or both.
Most of the issues related to the Bible and warfare (warfare seems to be what history is made of and there are usually multiple causes and interpretations for each conflict) had to do with power struggles (also the most human of all endeavors) and perhaps doctrinal issues of freedom related to these power struggles.
Since depression is thought to be like fever — a common set of symptoms likely rooted in multiple causes — lumping together genetic data from people with different underlying illness processes likely washed out, or statistically diluted, subtle evidence of effects caused by risk genes.
Loneliness might have multiple causes on the national level, but for accounting software company FreshBooks (full disclosure: I'm a happy customer), the root of their concern about employee disconnection was a happy fact of startup life - their head count was growing wildly.
My 7 - year - old daughter Addie raising awareness for multiple causes today at Schembechler Hall.
Finally, the Buddhist idea that nothing exists as an independent entity but rather arises through multiple causes and conditions is a fundamental tenet of ecology.
BP said in a statement that the release largely adopted the preliminary findings by the commission's chief counsel that the accident was the result of multiple causes by multiple companies.
To examine this question, we preregistered a series of analyses using Multiple Indicator Multiple Causes (MIMIC) models (Jöreskog & Goldberger, 1975; Kievit et al., 2012) to relate the mean and slope estimates for fluid intelligence to the various brain measures, and asked:
In other words, a syndrome connotes multiple causes, some of which may be unknown.
Pink eye in dog can be due to multiple causes such as a foreign object in the eye, a virus, parasites, allergy or a problem with the eyelid.
Considering this along with the evidence, the Court found that «the record reveals multiple causes for Plaintiff's alleged injury,» and that «at the time of the repossession, she had a pre-existing medical condition potentially causing pain and swelling near the area of the alleged injury.»
Keywords: differential item functioning (DIF), dualistic model of passion (DMP), exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM), Hungarian version, hybrid modeling approach, measurement invariance, multiple indicators multiple causes (MIMIC) model, passion scale
Dog pimples or acne can have multiple causes including skin tumors, allergy, infection (fungal, bacterial), fleas and mites.
The issue at hand is what happens when a personal property claim on California Renters Insurance has multiple causes of loss happening simultaneously (aka concurrent).
To state it more succinctly, the «but for» test may be relaxed where it is impossible to determine the precise cause of the injury in the face of multiple causes for the harm.
«It stems from multiple causes
There are multiple causes of deflation.
Whether there is a single or multiple causes to our existance will be debated for centuries to come.
This view holds that all human behavior has a cause or, in most cases, multiple causes.
Liberation is tied to multiple causes, in modernity the Enlightenment foremost among them.
In fact, cultures and civilizations turn out to be complex products of multiple causes and influences and do not follow any single pattern of historical logic.
A symptom may result from multiple causes, rather than from one isolated pathogen or environmental factor.
ZILLER: As with all things, there are multiple causes and the interrelatedness of those causes is nigh impossible to decipher.
Another thought is that the rapid growth of the abdomen when women are pregnant with multiples causes the skin to become inflamed as stated by Bremmer, Driscoll, and Colgan.
We have found something that works for us, but it's taken over a year to slowly diagnose the multiple causes of our problems.
We call our nipple ointment «all purpose» since it contains ingredients that help deal with multiple causes or aggravating factors of sore nipples.
There are multiple causes of PPD, and there's not much you can do to prevent it.
This may have multiple causes, some of which include low oxygen levels in the mother's blood or reduced blood flow due to compression of the umbilical cord.
Because a tantrum is such a common reaction for a toddler, it is really an emotional response to multiple causes.
The above results have suggested that there are multiple causes that explain why Conservative MPs adopt Eurosceptic positions.
Policy makers need to address this urgently by understanding and addressing the multiple causes of fuel poverty.
Multiple causes could make it extremely difficult to stop the decline of the bees.
Most experts, he notes, think these brain afflictions have multiple causes, including genes, poor diet, lack of exercise, and a variety of environmental agents, including pathogens and pesticides.
«Multiple causes and how they interact have rarely been considered but, ironically, many big floods that have occurred in Australia have been extremely complex, with many different things happening at the same time.»
Tackett says this suggests that endothelial cells may be less responsive in black people, although there are likely to be multiple causes for the racial difference.
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