Sentences with phrase «multiple dogs present»

Often when there are multiple dogs present, they pay more attention to each other than to their trainer.

Not exact matches

Although none of the German Neolithic samples carries the copy number expansion of the AMY2B gene associated with starch digestion, we find that this gene is present in three copies in NGD, though this is due to a large segmental duplication that is shared with multiple modern dogs, an event separate from the tandem AMY2B duplications.
I once had a patient presented because the owner thought the dog had been struck by lightning, when in fact the dog had multiple hot spots all on one side of its body.
So, in honor of the «million dollar» dog who kept me up at night with his snoring, tripped me multiple times a day because he was always by my side and could clear a room with his... smell, I would like you all to send me photos of your beloved pets, past and present.
Lymphocytes are present throughout the body, so dogs can have lymphoma in multiple organs.
The couple have always had multiple furry kids in their family and each and every one of those dogs, both past and present, are spoiled and loved to pieces.
Infected dogs rarely show signs of disease unless the tapeworms are present in very high numbers from multiple exposures.
Sometimes large patches of affected skin are present, sometimes multiple polka dots of lesions cover the dog, and sometimes the entire body is involved.
In addition to reporting on the incidence of the individual joint disorders and cancers, a new slant on analyses in the present study combined the incidence of all three joint disorders that have shown evidence of being increased by neutering (HD, CCL, and elbow dysplasia, ED) for one data - point representing the incidence of dogs diagnosed with at least one of the joint disorders, after controlling for multiple diagnoses.
If you live in a multiple dog household, you should become more aware of the hierarchy that is present and take active steps to intervene when conflicts arise.
No dogs with two owners present, incidents with multiple dogs with one owner or dogs with no owners were included in the study.
Edgar Arceneaux's Until Until Until... was presented as part of Performa 15 at Three - Legged Dog from November 20th to 22nd; Wunderbaum's Looking for Paul was performed at New York Live Arts from November 11th to 14th; Walid Raad's Walkthrough is performed multiple times a week at the Museum of Modern Art through January 31st; Suzanne Bocanegra's Studio Visit will be performed until January 31st in her studio at The Old American Can Factory in Brooklyn.
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