Sentences with phrase «multiple hundreds»

The phrase "multiple hundreds" means more than one hundred but doesn't give an exact number. It could mean a few hundreds or many hundreds, but we don't know the exact amount. Full definition
The mutual fund culture is so married to the notion that most money managers deserve to earn multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars, plus bonuses.
The mutual fund culture is so married to the notion that most money managers deserve to earn multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars, plus bonuses.
Let's say a company has a low enough share price that you can buy comfortably purchase multiple hundreds of their stock without losing diversification.
Our client recovered multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars against her nursing home and her in - home care providers.
It's my understanding that this cleanup has resulted in hundreds of thousands (yes, multiple hundreds of thousands) of apps being removed from the store over the past year.
(And not all of those clubs are immune to a sovereign nation dumping multiple hundreds of millions of dollars on a superstar's doorstep, either.)
but then again Apple is showing us time and time again that the average person who wants a new shiny handheld device is willing to pay multiple hundreds to get it!!
Those numbers project a driving range of multiple hundreds of miles on a single charge.
Guessing your net worth — «multiple hundreds of thousands» and three percent of your net worth implies to me you are investing between 200 and 500 k and this translates to a net worth between 6.7 and 16 M — though based on your posts I'd put it towards the 7 - 9 M range — not sure you have broken 10 — yet.
Abraham, the founder of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, had children — notably Ishmael — by his maid with the sanction of God; David and Solmon — just to name two — had multiple hundreds of wives and even more concubines.
In the end, Venter says, his team built, designed, and tested «multiple hundreds» of constructs before settling on Syn 3.0, with a genome about half the size of Syn 1.0's.
«We do know, however, that several coral species that live at those depths can live to multiple hundred to even a few thousand years: the oldest one is 4500 years.
Before I began fasting, from the moment I would wake up until the bitter end of my day I would keep slamming food down my pie hole over and over and over again — and sometimes I would be multiple hundreds of calories over my target!
Most of the collections of multiple hundreds of Romance e-books and Science Fiction e-books and Horror e-books are copyright infringing (although EBay sellers falsely and recklessly claim that they have «GNU licenses» or that current bestsellers are «in the public domain», and EBay accepts these untruthful statements as «proof»).
posts by authors who talk about selling in the multiple hundreds a month.
yes, the listing does take a multiple hundred thousand $ $ $ to list, however, the objective is for the fund manager to be un-shackled from pending redemptions, particularly at the very time of buying opportunities.
This will probably leave them multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars worse off in retirement someday because they spent so much time stroking their ego trying to achieve big gains on small amounts of capital that in the big scheme of things will leave them worse off in the long term.
There's a lot of mashing on the square and triangle buttons to deliver epic combos (don't be shocked to see the hit counter go into the multiple hundreds).
Playing the game with all of the side - quests and hunts and everything will take you multiple hundreds of hours.
Tencent owns the most popular social media platform in China, making it «the perfect gateway to reach the multiple hundreds of millions of gamers in China,» Newzoo market consultant Tom Wijman told AListDaily.
Your liability could easily be in the multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars.
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