Sentences with phrase «multiple impacts from climate change»

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Plant from multiple species, seed sources, and climate zones, particularly from locally - adapted sources Manage to maintain genetic diversity and phenotypic plasticity Create opportunities for rapid natural selection for species with high predicted potential for adverse impacts from climate change (Sturrock et al. 2011; Erickson et al. 2012; Alfaro et al. 2014; FAO 2014) Plant drought tolerant and native species Retain diversity of species and promote legacy trees Manage or restore mosaic (variable pattern of species and ages) and maintain or improve landscape connectivity Plant in asynchronous rotations and manage for diverse age classes Thin, plant, and use prescribed fire to favor species adapted to disturbance (Millar et al. 2007; Vose et al. 2016; Keane et al. forthcoming)
This study differs from previous treatments of abrupt changes by focusing on abrupt climate changes and also abrupt climate impacts that have the potential to severely affect the physical climate system, natural systems, or human systems, often affecting multiple interconnected areas of concern.
That +0.29 °C temperature since 1988 change took place in a global climate context that included not only the impact of multiple powerful El Niños, but also an atmosphere that was infused from 1989 - 2016 with over 50 % of the total human CO2 emissions (metric tonnes) emitted since 1850.
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