Sentences with phrase «multiple languages covering»

The Ocean Diamond collection includes books in multiple languages covering subjects like wildlife, history, marine biology, ecology and geology.

Not exact matches

Dating Factory covers more territory and multiple languages.
The 60 «performance modules,» covering multiple grades for both English language arts and math instruction, are free...
Typically developing students, gifted students, students who are impacted by poverty, children who speak multiple languages or have a home language that is different than the classroom language, and students with identified or potential developmental or learning disabilities are all covered within this highly practical, easy - to - use guide to UDL in the early years.
The program is fun for everyone involved and covers the multiple intelligences, making the language accessible for all types of learners.
BB eBooks typically advises against this practice because 1) many readers select their own font to use, 2) every eReading device comes equipped with its own selection of fonts that the user can choose, and 3) if a font like DeJaVu Sans or Charis SIL is embedded that has a massive set of glyphs to cover multiple languages, it can create close to 1 MB of overhead.
Those with knowledge of second or third language need to mention it in their cover letter, if they are applying a law firm in the areas where multiple languages are widely spoken.
Prescribed communities, as defined by the NTER legislation, cover over 500 Aboriginal communities and multiple language groups.
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