Sentences with phrase «multiple languages gives»

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The bioC platform is able to function in multiple languages and can be specified for any given government regulation or private standard.
I also downloaded AllergySmartz, an app for my iPhone that allows me to select my food allergens and it churns out a prepared chunk of text describing my food allergies & cross contact issues in multiple different languages to give to a waiter who may not be fully fluent in English.
That language allowed the department to bypass county requirements to solicit multiple proposals before giving out the personal services contracts.
Theoretically, it gives both Besson and Netflix the opportunity to play around a bit, and in multiple languages, if Netflix is willing to play even more.
• count to and across 100, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number • count, read and write numbers to 100 in numerals; count in multiples of 2s, 5s and 10s • given a number, identify 1 more and 1 less • identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least • read and write numbers from 1 to 20 in numerals and words • read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+), subtraction -LRB--) and equals (=) signs • represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20 • add and subtract one - digit and two - digit numbers to 20, including 0 • solve one - step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, and missing number problems such as 7 =??
Education systems should incorporate multiple ways of learning, combining formal and non-formal, traditional and modern, local and outside languages, local and external teachers; high priority needs to be given to vocational learning, through community - based institutions; content should be focused on enhancing links with nature, culture, and society, encouraging community and collective thinking and working, respecting diversity, and other principles and values described in this section.
Make the right tech choices, and — unlike print or face - to - face — a single training product can be translated into multiple languages at the drop of a hat, giving you access to new and emerging global markets.
First, we must cultivate an understanding for multiple cultures, languages and perspectives; and second, we must instill in one another a civic sense that compels us to give back to our community and world.
«Our vision to engage minds and enrich lives across multiple languages and platforms inspires us to continually strive to give our magazine subscribers a superior reading experience,» said Joseph Lee, managing director, New Media at SPH.
I was in my local Barnes & Noble this past Saturday and the store had given a local self - published author the opportunity to set up a table right near the front entrance (a space, ironically, where there was usually a large NOOK display) to sell his fantasy titles, which he offered in trade paperback editions in multiple - languages.
This gives you 100 % creative control, but trying to promote multiple books in multiple languages can become a very time - consuming task.
Sometimes auto - correction can be * very annoying *, the way Apple implemented it in iOS is a good example: it does not give users the choice to correct or not and that can be painful if you write in multiple languages (or when using words not present in the dictionary, like technical lingo).
Poor Delegation Includes... Total lack of direction / vision; contradicting language; lengthy paragraphs; avoiding the systems the VA has setup; sending multiple messages in different places; not giving clear deadlines; and becoming quickly frustrated.
Given the increasing global nature of e-discovery, the need to review documents in multiple languages is a challenge facing an increasing number of corporate legal teams.
Given that online counterfeiters typically operate across multiple platforms and languages, traditional methods of stopping them can be tricky: litigating in multiple jurisdictions is time consuming, expensive and often results in another operator simply taking its place, while monitoring and enforcement via sending out blanket notices does not discriminate between large commercial counterfeiters and smaller outfits.
It's already international and already supports multiple languages, even concurrently — I can ask to play a movie in French, and give the title of the movie in English.
Given the variability that exists within the linguistically diverse population, there are multiple strategies for approaching the measurement of language skills among young DLLs, whether one is using direct child assessments or parent reports.
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