Sentences with phrase «multiple replays»

The phrase "multiple replays" means watching or experiencing something more than once. Full definition
Rose wouldn't sign his scorecard for almost another hour, however, as he and a cadre of rules officials looked over multiple replays in four different TV trucks.
For as short as these levels are, they are a real blast and warrant multiple replays because they are done so well.
After watching multiple replays it was a clean shot... no deflection.
The massive amount of choice given to players keeps the game interesting through multiple replays, proving that multiplayer isn't necessary to be a hit.
LittleBigPlanet is one of those games you can't exactly get tired of; multiple replays of the same level later and the only thing I've grown increasingly tired of is my own -LSB-...]
While the main game itself is short for a FF game — around 25 - 30 hours — it enourages multiple replays and completely exploring the different branching timelines you create, opening up the game's nine different endings.
While the linear story is confining and abandons multiple replay hopes, it was still nice to revisit after all these years and just running around coming up with combos is enjoyable.
The only way to see the game in its entirety is via multiple replays which lead to one of the five endings of the game.
I actually enjoyed the story bits throughout my initial run, but they do become tiresome on multiple replays.
This game demands multiple replays to feel its true intensity and richness.
Multiple replays in each level are required to attain full game completion, but each trek is based on very different missions, such as time trials and different mini-goals.
Better yet, Kingdom warrants multiple replays — many moments have multiple solutions that reward different skillsets.
The show specifically will expand on the narrative rather than just recapping events, and the multiple branching paths inherent to the story is great for multiple replays, since every action has consequences that directly affects the games plot.
The puzzles are pretty lightweight, making the game skew young, but collectibles pack every area, encouraging thorough exploration and multiple replays.
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