Sentences with phrase «multiple sexual partners»

A reduction in the incidence of multiple sexual partners compared with the health control group.
While levels of condom use with casual partners and the proportion of people reporting multiple sexual partners remained largely unchanged, the proportion of adolescents ages 15 to 19 who reported never having sex rose from 30 percent in 1999 to 55 percent in 2016.
Inequitable gender norms are not only related to domestic violence, but also to other behaviors such as multiple sexual partners, smoking and alcohol abuse which lead to poor health outcomes.
Migration of men in the pursuit of work or war encourages multiple sexual partners and unsafe sexual practices.
Sex advice columnist Dan Savage, a longtime proponent of «monogamish» marriage, says most gay couples inherently understand males need multiple sexual partners and have much less of a problem with incorporating the need for sexual variety into their partnerships than heterosexual couples do.
Get screened for chlamydia and gonorrhea, specifically, every year if you've got multiple sexual partners or a new partner.
Furthermore, for those bisexual individuals who do desire multiple sexual partners, research suggests that they typically achieve this goal by negotiating open relationships with their partners, NOT by sneaking around behind their partners» backs.4 I could find no research supporting the idea that bisexuals are any less faithful or honest with their partners than people of other sexual orientations.
I heard Andy Stanley of North Point Community Church in a recent podcast sermon, «Pack Your Bags: Now And Then» explain why multiple sexual partners before marriage does not work.
African American male youth disproportionately report involvement with multiple sexual partners, which increases their risk for sexually transmitted infections and initiation of unplanned pregnancies.
This is especially true because, compared with non-Hispanic White adolescents, Hispanic adolescents are more likely to initiate sexual activity before age 13, less likely to use condoms, and more likely to report multiple sexual partners (CDC - P, 2004b).
This is reflected in Cochran's book, where he actually includes having multiple sexual partners and sex outside of marriage as sins that are also vile, vulgar, and inappropriate.
Our bodies are temples... that goes for all sins of the body — sexual, out of control eating, drug abuse, smoking, drinking, using bodies in witchcraft, sexual sin, masturbation, pornography, sexual promiscuity, premarital sex, multiple sexual partners, even sexual activities within a normal marriage are not all of God.
Condoms could reduce HIV infection in carefully controlled commercial sex contexts (e.g., the Thai prostitution industry), but condom distribution and education haven't worked in settings of relational breakdown, like East Africa, where it is common to have multiple sexual partners.
The constant exhaustion, multiple sexual partners and constantly being pushed to explore and cross sexual boundaries that I had not experienced before — I am ok with it.
While the connection is not fully understood, the Mayo Clinic has discovered that having multiple sexual partners, new partners and sexual intercourse between two women during your pregnancy puts you at a greater risk for this kind of infection.
Animals in nature benefit from having multiple sexual partners.
Problematic cell phone use has been linked to depression, anxiety, low self - esteem, and unhealthy lifestyle practices such as skipping meals, multiple sexual partners, poor sleep habits, alcohol consumption, smoking, and illegal drug use [18 — 26].
As a bisexual, you are expected to have multiple sexual partners.
One common thread in all three relationships described above is having multiple sexual partners.
THE INDEPENDENT - Feb 14 - Nearly a third of elderly population have had or would consider having sex on a first date since turning 65, while one in 10 over-75s saying they have had multiple sexual partners.
Stay loyal to your partner If you have multiple sexual partners, you increase your chances of contracting the infection.
Other discussions include comments about homosexuals, paternity tests, multiple sexual partners, the loss of one's virginity, grading sexual performance and other brief innuendo.
Hookup culture and having multiple sexual partners is no longer as taboo and has become accepted.
Scientists aren't quite sure how this infection is caused, but risk seems to correlate with a change in sexual partners, having multiple sexual partners, douching, or using an intrauterine device; it can also occur in females who have never been sexually active.
Both unprotected intercourse and multiple sexual partners are important risk factors for STD.
Low socio - economic status (SES) adolescents are more likely to have multiple sexual partners, thus increasing risks such as teen pregnancy and STDs.
These include a belief that dating violence is acceptable, the presence of anxiety, depression, or a history of trauma, aggressive behavior, use of illegal drugs, early sexual activity and multiple sexual partners, having a friend involved in dating violence, conflicts with a partner, and being a witness or experiencing violence in the home.
In other parts of the United States, MLH may be more likely to be infected from having multiple sexual partners, or have a history of injecting drug use (e.g., Bronx, New York or Washington D.C.).
The present study develops and tests a model of various mechanisms whereby parental religiosity reduces the likelihood of adolescents» participation in risky sexual behavior (early sexual debut, multiple sexual partners, and inconsistent condom use).
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