Sentences with phrase «multiple threads»

This is worth noting, but shouldn't be terribly important, as we can't think of a demanding application that's not coded for multiple threads.
The choices with multiple threads are easily the most interesting, as you'll be inclined to stay consistent with each one.
Why limit discussion of targets to one thread; there should be multiple threads addressing this topic.
Any application designed with performance in mind is going to use multiple threads.
Be sure to check out our Kirby's Epic Yarn retrospective, where our very own Ben Fruzzetti commended it for weaving together multiple threads of art and fun into a tapestry of happiness and relief.
It has been my experience that commenters who post on multiple threads in short order with what appear to be leading questions or comments are engaging in «drive - by» commenting.
The Climate Impact Lab's sea - level rise projections use a framework that ties together multiple threads of information to assess the probability of local sea - level changes around the world, under different future emissions scenarios.
The new SFO Centurion lounge has been confirmed by multiple posters across multiple threads.
The QNX Core and Integrated Apps The new BlackBerry Tablet OS is based on QNX Neutrino, a microkernel - based, Unix - like OS that is particularly good at distributing multiple threads over multiple cores or processors.
Having read multiple threads at MobileRead and blog posts around the «net by Kindle owners, I see some advantages.
The trick is separating periods when you need to focus diligently from periods when you're happy to be following multiple threads — the difference between old - fashioned paying attention and what multimedia pioneer Linda Stone calls «continuous partial attention.»
The borderline breakneck pace only becomes a hurdle in the film's last ten minutes, when multiple threads seem set up for third - act payoffs and hastily abandoned for the sake of wrapping this puppy up.
The screenplay is so incoherent, so jumbled, and so lazy, leaving multiple threads dangling and unanswered, there were moments in which I thought I had blacked out.
With impressive control, Schultz weaves the plot's multiple threads into a story that's at once sweeping and intimate, horrifying and deeply human.
Complex plots that carry multiple threads tend to confuse readers.
The exhibition embodies multiple threads of abstraction, from the systematization of artificial flavors within the pre-existing...
GitLab enables teams to collaborate and work from a single conversation, instead of managing multiple threads across disparate tools.
I should also like to add some irritation at what appears to be another behaviour in the same style: popping on multiple threads with small, largely content - free, smear - like or «gotcha» - style comments.
I've said my peace about Harris in multiple threads.
There are many benefits to using Vulkan over OpenGL, primarily the way it gives developers more control over GPU operations, which results in lower CPU overhead from the driver, and better support for multiple threads.
The Climate Impact Lab's sea - level rise projections use a framework that ties together multiple threads of information to assess the probability of local sea - level changes around the world, under different future emissions scenarios.
The whole sequence of — player being linked — multiple threads of interest — and then finally the denial; this is a sequence that repeats itself across multiple transfer windows.
Just like wearing clothes of multiple thread.
Mr. Burke, I think you will regret adding the multiple thread layer feature.
It's really cool if you can ask this same thing on multiple threads and then claim it was never answered forcing people to waste time on the same thing over and over and over.
There is an email conversation going on about the multiple threads of the BSI event.
It usually takes the real Nolan 100 - plus minutes to get to the suspense and tension in his movies, with the payoff usually coming somewhere around the point that the multiple threads of his labyrinthine plots start overlapping and the movie begins to tilt toward its third act.
weaving the multiple threads of their protagonist's life into three daringly extended backstage scenes, as he prepares to launch the first Macintosh, the NeXT work station and the iMac.
Working from Walter Isaacson's biography, writer Aaron Sorkin (The Social Network, Charlie Wilson's War) and director Danny Boyle (Slumdog Millionaire, 127 Hours) joined forces to create this dynamically character - driven portrait of the brilliant man at the epicenter of the digital revolution, weaving the multiple threads of their protagonist's life into three daringly extended backstage scenes, as he prepares to launch the first Macintosh, the NeXT work station and the iMac.
I am not sure which file it is that you need to add in Calibre, but if you check MobileRead there are multiple threads about this.
Print This Post Filed Under: CRAFT Tagged With: advice for writers, chapter endings, multiple threads, plotting tips, transitions
There are multiple threads on the Amazon forums (such as the latest post on this thread), that indicates that the problem is back and it is affecting a lot more Fire tablets this time around.
Multiple threads have appeared on BioWare's forums and other sites regarding the issue.
Julia Wachtel: There are multiple threads, or series, that I've worked on in an ongoing way, with gaps along the way.
Photographs from the Chrysler collection outline the multiple threads of photographic history.
It's not just that the long and multiple threads are difficult to follow (especially with all those disclaimers in them).
Collaboration tools allow us to dip in to the multiple threads and streams of activity going on around our firms.
The SiSoft test is not as dependent on multiple threads, so what this data tells us is that Lenovo's one - touch overclock works well if a program doesn't fully load all cores, but works poorly if all cores experience significant load.
This means applications that aren't optimized for multiple threads won't benefit from the 5960X.
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