Sentences with phrase «munched on leaves»

Elephants clustered together with their families as they munched on leaves and plants.
With the large branch on the ground, the two adult bears came over and joined their two cubs, and they later munched on leaves for dinner.
Or when you stop your (literally) breathtaking hike to examine a brilliant yellow caterpillar munching on a leaf.
Some gardeners use beer traps to keep slugs from crawling up their pepper plants and munching on leaves and pods.
A month later, those eggs hatch into larvae, which munch on the leaves.
The deer harvest the herb too, munching on the leaves, flowers and berries.
The passion vine, the flowery source of passion fruit, is almost invulnerable to insects: Whenever one starts munching on its leaves, the plant releases a deadly cyanide gas.
This plant also serves as a gentle bitter herb so an internal lemon balm tea (or even just munching on a leaf if you're growing it) would be a great helper for those butterflies flitting around in your stomach.
We avoided the crowds by visiting in the afternoon and got to watch two very sleepy koalas munching on some leaves.
The sound of the howler monkeys was so loud, yet I couldn't see them at all, and then someone from our group pointed to up to the top of the jungle canopy and I spotted a family of these large black monkeys munching on leaves high in the treetops!

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And bonus - it is also very rich in vitamin C providing protection against inflammatory arthritis And if you are going to be munching on carrot sticks, slices of cucumber, celery, leaves of all sorts - how about some cilantro pesto?
I made a double batch of the bean salad so I could use half for the southwestern quinoa salad and leave the other half for Travis to munch on during the week.
But even with Maddy munching away on several a day, we still had a lot left!
If you've been munching on the bread for a few days and you still have some left, you can also slice it and put wax paper between the slices and then freeze it in that zip - top bag.
After I'm done eating my very - healthy omelet of eggs and veggies, I start munching on the kale that was left on the side of my plate as a garnish.
You'll never feel left out again when people around you are eating potato chips and you don't have anything to munch on.
I have a few mystery bars left to munch on in the car.
(Plus, there were little pieces of chocolate left on the wax paper that I could munch on after).
These babies are naturally sweetened with dates and, if you're like me and love texture, you can leave rough chunks of dates in your mix so you get little bursts of caramel when you munch on these.
I munched on the slightly bitter leaves and continued with my day.
If munching on a salad before bedtime isn't appealing, you can brew lettuce tea by pouring very hot water over romaine leaves, then letting them steep for ten minutes before adding a touch of honey for sweet flavor.
You can leave the cups out to lure in the Easter Bunny or munch on it yourself.
Lots of rain, however, had no effect on the rate of leaf litter decomposition, perhaps because the fungi are not overly stressed and actually thrive when springtails munch on them a bit, the researchers speculate.
Whether pandas feed on stalks or leaves appears related to chemical changes in the bamboo leaves themselves, a strategy some plants use to prevent herbivores from munching on them.
Rolled - leaf beetles today still munch on ginger plants, as shown by the characteristic damage on this leaf from Panama.
Zebras and wildebeests graze the dewy grass; elephants and giraffes munch on acacia leaves; and lions and hyenas survey the scene, looking for their next meal.
Munching on a dinner roll might fill you up initially, but the empty calories will leave you wanting more food soon after.
The key to snacking is to have healthy options that are easily accessible so you can make smart choices that will help you, not send you on a blood sugar roller coaster ride, leaving you tired and wanting to munch all afternoon!
You'll be guided through 25 - minute meditation to leave you feeling centered and ready to mindfully munch on delicious tacos alongside other heavily - meditated New Yorkers.
Go ahead, get excited because now nothing is holding you back from being able to munch on these crunchy, zesty leaves
I had a bit of shredded zucchini left over and munched on it with some of the sauce.
(Plus, there were little pieces of chocolate left on the wax paper that I could munch on after).
Since this recipe uses only 1/4 cup of Chardonnay you are left with the perfect amount to enjoy while munching on the wings and other tailgating treats.
Mr. (Doug Murray) and Mrs. Baxter leave the kids at home to attend the Christmas party thrown by Mom's new boss (Ed Asner) on the night that Sinclair and company are expecting to find Edvard Munch's The Widow, an $ 85 million painting with personal significance to Sinclair.
You should never leave a full bowl of food out for your puppy to munch on at his leisure.
Alternately, you can leave out his entire portion of a dry dog food for him to munch on throughout the day if he doesn't wolf it all down at once in the morning.
This also means you don't have to panic if your dog starts munching on fresh basil leaves growing in your backyard!
Pups may be particularly drawn to snack on cat box «tootsie rolls» or munch cow patties or horse leavings.
But beware - signs that your dog munched down on one of these leaves include swelling and burning of the tongue and mouth, excessive drooling, and vomiting.
Dry foods, unlike canned ones, don't spoil and can be left out for your pup to munch on without having to provide smaller meals throughout the day — choose a small breed variety with smaller kibble particles.
If your dog feels left out, prepare a canine - friendly treat for them to munch on while the rest of the family eats pizza.
Originally a lavish private residence, Hotell Refsnes Gods was frequented by luminaries and dignitaries that have left their mark on the property, including artists Edvard Munch who inspired The Munch Restaurant and King Oscar II who is celebrated by the historic King Hall.
No hard feelings for leaving your buddies blown to pieces and stripped naked for the moles rats to munch on, right fellas?
As a fan of the Oddworld series in general I was left a little underwhelmed with Munch's Oddysee HD, especially after the enjoyment I got out of Strangers Wrath on the Vita and Oddworld: New «n» Tasty!
When quick - time presses are successfully strung together, legions of defensemen will be left munching on Astroturf.
Introducing the aspect of time, Andro's Book is a photograph of a worn Edvard Munch catalogue positioned in a blue - toned studio setting that mimics the blue markings left on the book's cover from partial sun - exposure; Alexi - Meskhishvili describes the catalogue as a «found photogram.»
We do not know much about what kind of impression Munch's art left on the young Johns, but some 25 years later — from the late 1970s — references to Munch started appearing in his work.
Glancing down, I saw thousands of tiny green leaf fragments on the forest floor and realized the rain was droppings and table scraps from countless caterpillars munching the newly emerged canopy far above.
We've caught stray dogs wondering in our yard, the gate left open and our dogs sneaking in and out of it, delivery people who have lied about deliveries, pet sitters who weren't doing what they said they were doing, and a herd of deer wandering in to munch on our newly planted flowers.
Don't invite cockroaches into your home by leaving opened bags of pet food available for them to munch on — they will never leave if the cafeteria is open 24 hours per -LSB-...]
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