Sentences with phrase «municipal pension costs»

Major issues also included reducing municipal pension costs and reducing regulations to spur economic growth.

Not exact matches

While every little bit helps, what's really busting municipal and school district budgets are employee health care costs and pension obligations.
Many troubled municipalities are grappling with how to bring down pension costs while municipal - bond holders are trying to figure out how to protect their interests before or during a municipal insolvency.
Exploding health care and pension costs, among other problems, are beyond the city's control but have an increasingly oppressive effect on municipal finances.
All three towns had seen revenue such as the mortgage recording taxes drop sharply with the financial crisis of 2008 at the same time that municipal costs, including pension contributions, went up.
He also says municipal leaders are struggling with fast rising pension and health care costs, a shrinking property tax base and declining state aid.
The report compared the total costs, including investment and administrative of the CPP with five large public sector plans based in Ontario, including: the Ontario Teachers» Pension Plan (OTPP), the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS), the Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP), the Ontario Pension Board (OPB), and the OPTrust.
(The costs will also have to be high enough to allow Teranet's owners, a municipal employees» pension fund, to recoup their $ 1 billion over the 50 years, plus a good yield.)
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