Sentences with phrase «muscle action»

In fact, our muscles are actually stronger during eccentric muscle actions!
Although everyone who lifts weights needs to understand the risks and benefits of strength training, a young child should not be expected to comprehend the intricacies of muscle action.
With voluntary muscle action progressively affected, people may lose the ability to speak, eat, move and breathe.
The temperature in a mammal's body is mostly generated by muscle action, which is generally the most active body tissue.
However as you progress I would recommend switching to free weights since you get more overall muscle action....
This reactive, more supportive muscle action increases shock absorption for joints and discs.
Which is what you'd expect because of course mitochondria are what are responsible for being able to release the chemical energy that fuels muscle action.
This contrasts with nature's most extreme case of repetitive muscle action, the high frequency flight muscles of bees and other insects, which contract multiple times in response to a single impulse.
Muscle is essential for maintaining muscle action, functional independence, managing daily activities, and living a healthy active lifestyle (3).
As mentioned previously, grip spacing is an individual matter, dependent largely upon structure and relative muscle actions and outputs.
This fascinating study set out to assess whether velocity - specificity would still occur when training with eccentric muscle actions at a moderate velocity (60 degrees / s).
Our results suggest that coaches and athletes could effectively implement conditioning strategies that challenge eccentric muscle actions.
Effects of eccentric and concentric muscle actions in resistance training.
Similarly, peak moment ratios between muscle groups can be performed by setting the dynamometer to perform concentric isokinetic muscle actions in both directions, rather than concentric in one direction and eccentric in the other.
In fact, one recent study found that maximal isometric muscle action can lead to recruiting over 5 % more muscle fibers, compared to maximal eccentric or maximal concentric action.
Optimal training may therefore involve using slow speed, high force muscle actions.
Since strength is specific, then: strength training for the hip extensors and knee extensors with eccentric - only muscle actions or accentuated eccentric loading should lead to superior gains in COD ability compared to conventional strength training.
There is a relationship between the EMG amplitude and muscle force when muscle actions are performed without fatigue.
Test - re-test reliability is greater during submaximal compared to maximal muscle actions, when comparing with a single day compared to between days, and when using visual feedback about force levels being produced.
Assessing the effect of bench press muscle action, Mookerje & Ratamess (1999) found a main difference in elbow flexion and extension action durations such that the elbow flexion action was significantly shorter than the extension duration, most likely due to force development being greater eccentrically than concentrically.
Whatever the exact underlying causes, from this general research we can deduce that muscle strain injury is caused during actively lengthening muscle actions, and is caused either by the energy absorbed or the size of the strain.
You're going to use a lot of power and momentum on one side to get the weight moving but, instead of using muscle action on that same side to stop / slow the movement, you'll use the core muscles on your OTHER side to «catch it,» then stop it, then whip the dumbell back around to the original start position for another go.
Importantly, muscle fibers are arranged in groups of fascicles but it is known from animal experiments that individual muscle fibers do not typically run the entire length of the fascicle and some may be arranged in series along the length of a muscle, potentially in order to reduce the effects of a slow propagation speed of muscle action potentials (Lieber & Fridén, 2000).
Bones are an essential component of our body, with numerous functions that include providing mechanical support of soft tissues, acting as levers for muscle action, and protecting the central nervous system.
This is opposed to the concentric muscle action which occurs when the muscle shortens, i.e. contracts.
Magnesium is another important mineral, which works together with calcium to control muscle action.
Very humorous too and I agree with all that you say because what people need are stable joints and balanced muscle actions not some idiot like Bikram standing on top of them or telling them things like, you have no knees!!
The biceps are the primary flexors of the upper arm and due to their gross anatomy, produce very similar muscle actions.
Physical Development Hops and skips, dresses without help, good balance and smoother muscle action, skates, rides wagon and scooter, prints simple letters, handedness established, ties shoes, girls small muscle development about 1 year ahead of boys.
Muscle action then squeezes the water down into the snake's gut.
To try to determine which came first — large buttocks or upright posture — Greiner has developed a computer model that shows how muscle action changes in response to changes in bone shape.
Svendsen and scientists in his laboratory have studied GDNF extensively, devising experimental methods to restore beneficial levels in the brain and spinal cord — where the disease originates — and in muscles, at the point where nerve fibers connect with muscle fibers to stimulate muscle action.
With voluntary muscle action progressively affected, patients in the later stages of the disease may become totally paralyzed.
Eccentric muscle actions cause ultrastructural changes in human subjects (J Appl Physiol 2009 a, b).
The eccentric (or negative) muscle action happens when the muscle lengthens in a controlled manner, meaning the weight is going back to where it started.
«Unlike the circulation that is pumped by the heart, the lymphatic system requires muscle action to squash the lymphatic tubes and push the fluid along,» says Jean.
In other words, an isometric muscle action means employing muscle strength or tension without producing an actual movement — for example, holding a weight at a certain position in the range of motion.
Regular Beta Alanine supplementation leads to accumulation of carnosine in muscle enhancing the buffering capacity during high intensity muscle action.
The crossfit exercise program brings many benefits with its high intensity exercises, they require high explosive muscle action and therefore injuries are very possible if it is not done properly.
Having the R allele rather than the XX or X alleles for the ACTN3 gene is associated with a superior ability for performing high power muscle actions (Yang et al. 2003; Niemi & Majamaa, 2005; Moran et al. 2007).
These amino acids carry nitrogen to help synthesis other compounds required for anabolic muscle action and energy production.
But Kettlebell exercises demand a lot more stabilizer muscle action and muscular co-ordination.
Sprint sports such as soccer, rugby, and lacrosse require a high volume of energy turnover and eccentric muscle actions resulting in metabolic and mechanically induced stress.
It is often taken to be a good indicator of how large the EMG amplitude can be as a result of a particular muscle action, although the extent to which this could be affected by noise and causative factors is unclear.
They reported that a greater proportion of acceleration in the concentric muscle action phase was achieved by the rugby players than the recreationally trained group (35 % vs. 13 %).
However, depending on the actions of other leg and trunk muscles, and the external forces acting on the body, this hip extension muscle action can actually produce true hip extension, trunk extension, or even posterior pelvic tilt.

Phrases with «muscle action»

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