Sentences with phrase «muscle growth process»

It's easy for your body to override this entire muscle growth process.
By consuming whey protein before or after your workout, you can raise the amount of amino acids available in your body for the muscle growth process, also known as muscle protein synthesis.
You need to execute the exercise with proper form in order to target the muscle you are training and keep it enough time under tension to induce the damage at a cellular level, that is actually the starting point in the muscle growth process.
Afterward, the factors in charge of promoting protein syntheses like the growth hormone (GH), IGF - 1, the hormone testosterone and certain prostaglandins help start the muscle growth process.
You also need carbohydrates to support the muscle growth process.
If you haven't been paying laser - like attention to the amount of weight you've been using, the number of reps you've been performing, and then striving with every ounce of your energy to improve upon those numbers each week, you are completely ignoring the very foundation of the muscle growth process.
Beyond all of the specific workout principles, such as rep range and exercise selection, remains one crucial principle, a principle that lies at the very heart of the muscle growth process.
There have been countless studies performed on the role of protein in the muscle growth process to try and determine exactly how much protein you should consume to build muscle mass.
You break down your muscle fibers in the gym, but if you don't provide your body with the proper nutrients at the proper times, the muscle growth process will be next to impossible.
Recovery is absolutely vital to the muscle growth process.
Alcohol — Alcohol interferes with hormones, including those that are involved in the muscle growth process, not to mention that «lovely» layer of lard that it puts on your belly.
The goal is to get in, hit hard, do slightly more than you did last time (either more weight or more reps), stimulate the muscle growth process and get out.
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