Sentences with phrase «muscular structure»

They swim against a current to create a firmer texture and more muscular structure.
The team will now mimic other marine organisms with «elegant muscular structures».
This movement is great for building upper body strength as well as helping to stabilize the core and build a solid muscular structure.
Many women worry that weight training will make them muscular and bulky like a mans; yet you must keep in mind that men and women have different muscular structures, therefore weight training will not develop big muscles on women, just toned muscles.
Having a healthy posture, proper breathing mechanics, and a balanced muscular structure will reduce stress on the body and improve oxygenation of tissues.
By manipulating the fascia — i.e., the saran wrap that covers the entire muscular structure — she can eliminate «congestion» and puffiness, bringing the body into alignment and smoothing out lines.
Due to their heavy muscular structure, Staffords are prone to drowning since many can not swim well or even stay afloat.
The colon, the last part of the intestinal tract, is a large muscular structure ending at the rectum.
The design of a new life - size bot named Kengoro closely resembles the anatomy of a teenage boy in body proportion, skeletal and muscular structure, and joint flexibility, researchers report online December 20 in Science Robotics.
The rewards of that minute include improved endurance, insulin sensitivity, muscular structure, and aerobic fitness.
Alternating triceps work with elbow flexor work will insure that the elbow's muscular structure is balanced and will prevent cumulative fatigue build - up in both muscle groups.
Susan goes in depth on the essence of core training and the muscular structure of your midsection, exercises to target the various abdominal walls and why the TVA is nearly always the very first muscle to trigger in any movement, whether in the gym, or not.
«The Judges set up in the middle of the arena where they can observe the horse's patterns and muscular structure.
I don't bother to correct them; Matilda is a chihuahua - minpin mix, and people with a keener eye for dog breeds recognize her long legs, lean, muscular structure and slightly...
It contains Vitamins A and E, Omega - 3 and Omega - 6 Fatty acids for a shiny coat, and it has a balanced level of proteins and fats to help maintain the muscular structure of your Boxer in addition to ideal weight.
By isolating desirable characteristics, such as size and weight, body and face shape, muscular structure, prey drive, coat texture, length, and color, humans have successfully created more than 300 distinct and unique breeds.
Durotomy and marsupilization of dura to the muscular structures around the foramen magnum window is the common procedure but cerebrospinal fluid leakage can cause an inflamation and this inflamation can lead severe soft tissue thickening which can cause compression in the area.
I don't bother to correct them; Matilda is a chihuahua - minpin mix, and people with a keener eye for dog breeds recognize her long legs, lean, muscular structure and slightly sharper facial features.
There are lots of intermediary and combinations of heart muscle disease, but all forms begin as abnormalities of the muscular structures of the heart.
White is included in our list of 33 artists for the muscular structure to her work.
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