Sentences with phrase «music someone made»

Asking questions about things outside of writing, like favorite foods, or types of music make for an interesting interview.
A full bar and live music make for a memorable experience.
Whole family music making in your home is extremely valuable to your child's musical development, and attending class occasionally helps the other family members to join in at home.
They put you on to good music made by good artists, whether they're established stars or rising newcomers.
Join us for a morning of music making with your toddler as we explore all that music can teach about the world around us!
Regular happy hours and live music make it a favorite spot among locals.
However strong the popular support for this theory that classical music makes babies smarter, this is not something that is supported by scientific research.
The cute design and great music makes up for the repetitive nature of the game.
Playing calming music makes people slow down, even if they don't realize it.
Most Fear Free veterinary practitioners, including me, are big fans of soothing music made specifically for pets.
All of this paired with the absolutely stunning background music make for one hell of an epic battle.
Because music makes abstract thought concrete, it forces us to develop several important cognitive functions.
Music makes everyone dance, bright colors are everywhere and there's nothing better than festival foods!
Western classical music traditionally splits music making into two distinctly separate jobs — composer and performer.
Studies show that slow music makes people shop leisurely and spend more.
Will we hear music made this way in a concert hall or club?
If country music makes her happy, she should make country music.
The research showed more clearly than ever that significantly more of the brain is used during music making than previously thought.
Each classroom teacher we train reaches on average between 76 and 99 students per week with free music making.
Your support helps us to fund life - changing music making and music education experiences for thousands of people of all ages and levels of experience.
Just leaving it on with the opening screen music makes me feel calm.
Some experts go so far as to say that exposure to music makes children smarter, but hardly any data exists to validate this point.
Listen to a CD of soothing nature sounds and absorb the lovely music made by animals, birds and the ocean.
Beautiful decor and holiday music make me so warm and cozy inside.
I will also admit that 80s music makes me dance.
Great camera angle with intense music made the scene extremely impactful.
She's not connecting with the chart - topping music making her a star and feels the only way out is suicide.
These projects aim to inspire and transform the lives of children and families in deprived communities through the power and discipline of ensemble music making.
The recording and music making features let students demonstrate their understanding of course content in a totally new way.
Similarly when video games, television shows, movies and music make statements about schools, that can be informal learning, too.
Music for All is one of the largest and most influential national music education organizations in support of active music making.
The soundtrack for this game is attractive, with a variety of different music making the game more vibrant and enjoyable.
The hand drawn art and animations are a joy to look at and the use of licensed music makes this game a treat.
This is another game that works better when you can actually talk to the other players, something the loud music made impossible, but the game itself is great.
What you will notice is the creepy ambiance music making you feel even more isolated.
The right music makes a fight more epic, and makes your characters feel more powerful.
Through group music making, children can express feelings and connect with the feelings of others, promoting positive social and emotional development.
A few candles, warm beverages and a little music makes for a wonderful atmosphere!
... Will listening to classical music make your baby more intelligent?
However, the interesting characters, biting dialogue, and great music make it a movie that can be watched over and over again.
Join us for a morning of music making with your growing baby as we explore all that music can teach about the world around us!
While the graphics and music make for a great gameplay experience, the lack of story and difficulty can see things getting old really fast.
Slow music makes the flock react gently and move slowly, while a high tempo results in fast movement and abrupt changes.
The children are able to see the process of music making, from composition to performance.
In a reworking of some of famous socialist, activist and writer Annie Bessant's famous Thought - Forms paintings, the iconic works where Bessant deals with concepts of nature and the power of thoughts, and investigates ideas such as music made tangible, Chasson's Untitled series tackles ideas of borders and space.
Revolution For Dogs 11 20 Lbs revolution music Make sure that your dog flea medicine removed from your problems and so you about fixing your dog if revolution dojo when dogs are dog flea groomer money to raise a dog.
While the iRing currently doesn't offer much functionality aside from music making, this intuitive companion has plenty of potential to shake up the way we use our favorite apps in the future.
If you live in a family that has completely bought into the Apple ecosystem but just happens to have an Android phone or two in the house, then Apple Music makes sense as it will tie in to more of your products.
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