Sentences with phrase «musical culture»

Most of the countries have very diverse musical culture and it is quite common for the population in one region to have no knowledge whatsoever of music in other regions.
And determining a representative sample of musical culture for a particular place and time is challenging.
The rest is based on their critical listening, analysis, and independent research into world musical cultures.
He explores working - class musical culture, from nineteenth - century folk to glam and rock music in the 70s and 80s.
Taken as a whole, the vibrant musical culture of Wilmington truly lives up to the city's slogan, «In the middle of it all,» and puts people right smack dab in the center of an artistic hub.
Many musical cultures around the world use pitch systems in which notes are related by simple integer proportions (ratios between note frequencies) corresponding to the harmonic (overtone) series.
The country's musical culture flourishes, with Hungary's Bela Bartok considered by some to be modern music's greatest composer.
Once started there was no stopping him, and Luther found yet another identity as poet and composer, and the principal originator of a whole new tradition of German church liturgy, rooted in the existing musical culture, and destined to reach its marvellous climax at Leipzig in the work of Johann Sebastian Bach.
Better detection by the brain could explain why low - pitched notes carry the beat across musical cultures
They tested consonant chords, which are common in Western and many other musical cultures, as well as dissonant ones.
In other sessions for schools, James Manwaring, director of music at the Windsor Upper Schools, delivered a how - to on creating a sustainable, outstanding musical culture in school; Richard Llewellyn of Steinberg took delegates through using Cubase for delivering music technology teaching; and education consultant and former head of music John Kelleher took teachers through the options for performance using technology at KS4 — just a few among many well received sessions.
But New Orleans is also the birth place of jazz: a community that to this day draws on a deeply rooted musical culture.
As part of their end - of - course IB exam, Brancato's 11th - and 12th - grade students listen to recordings and identify their composers, time periods, and musical features; compose original pieces of music; perform on their instruments; and write a research paper comparing musical cultures from around the world.
Belize has a growing musical culture, with punta rock, traditional paranda, soca and carnival, and the beats of reggae.
Sal International Music Festival that takes place on a regular basis in September attracts hundreds of local musicians who come to celebrate the multifaceted musical culture of the island.
The Bayou has some very unique musical cultures, and they are all represented in the music of the game.
That the creator of «The Revolution Will Not Be Televised,» «The Bottle,» and «r» is still here 40 years on, spitting poetry and engaging musical culture, is our gift.
Will that cause a shock to whale musical culture, like when African music changed America by bringing in the blues?
While the visuals are pleasingly distinctive, the songs don't do much with Mexico's rich musical culture, with gimmicky mariachi renditions of played - out numbers by Radiohead and Mumford and Sons working against the folkloric quality for which the story is aiming.
As Cape Verde is famous for its diverse musical culture, here in the Zero Horas you can explore the numerous facets that make this culture so great.
The Lutheran heritage in music is far from barren — Luther himself was a musician of note and to be Lutheran is to know that J. S. Bach is to music as Shakespeare is to literature — but the musical culture of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS) had by the 1940s been considerably corrupted by American evangelical Protestantism, and I wallowed in the corruption.
For example, macaque monkeys lack a musical culture, but nonetheless have neurons in the auditory part of their brains that respond in a different way to different tone intervals.
Detroit was once home to some of the most incredible bands and singers in the world and this musical culture is still very much alive today.
Filk music is a musical culture, genre, and community tied to science fiction / fantasy / horror fandom and a type of fan labor.
It's a musical culture clash between stone and bronze age, as played on the field of football (or soccer as we Yanks call it), quite wonderfully tag - teamed by Brit composers Harry Gregson - Williams («Shrek») and Tom Howe («Professor Martson and the Wonder Women»).
ICPS is aware that fostering national identity and pride through deeper understanding of musical culture is an essential component of education in South America.
The audiobook immerses listeners into this musical culture.
To Jamaica's beautiful beaches are added a super-laid-back attitude and the rich musical culture.
To get an insight into the musical culture of Portugal, book your spot at many bars around the towns and cities and enjoy the experience over dinner.
The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival and Foundation conserves Louisiana's rich musical culture
It is the hotel's location coupled with the city's history and musical culture, which have influenced its design and created a story throughout the hotel.
It is exciting in the fact that it is so new, only being formed in 1993, yet carries the air of majestic wealth in its supreme architecture, art and musical culture.
«Sunset Wednesdays» is a series that includes outdoor evening concerts each summer, focused on the musical cultures of the Bronx.
Musical culture is an important component of the avaf project and the name is the result of a combination of two of their musical influences namely Throbbing Gristle's album «Assume Power Focus» and the band Ultra Vivid Scene.
Mr. Brener has received numerous awards for his work, including those for the Medal Design Competition, Paris, France, and the Decorative Sculpture Competition for the design of the exterior of the Moscow Museum of Musical Culture, Moscow, Russia.
According to Gordon, one of Graham's favorite bits of musical culture is the Fall song «Repetition,» so it must have given him a thrill to see her and Moore then perform it for him, even if she did have to kick over a folding chair to get the crowd's attention and read the lyrics from a sheet of paper.
The features of musical culture and the ubiquity of musical borrowing reveal a dramatic divergence between the shared norms and practices of music culture and a doctrinal copyright approach.
For the most part, taking someone else's musical idea and developing it in a new way is largely understood as part of musical culture and thus entirely consistent with cultural norms.
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