Sentences with phrase «musical family»

Many people think of music as a «dark art» shared only by a few talented individuals invariably from musical families who can read music and play an instrument.
If I were to pick a foreign Oscar winner this year on the basis of what the entire Academy would like best, it would be Belgian entry and European Film Awards Best Actress - winner «Broken Circle Breakdown,» a sexy and tragic musical family drama adapted from a stage musical, featuring bluegrass music.
Composer My musical interests are based on the fact that I grew up in a very musical family.
«This exhibition represents a commonality among us all: the love of music - which is so intimately felt in New Orleans, the home of so many musical families
Don and Phil were born in 1937 and 1939 respectively, to a musical family with working - class roots.
For example, a gifted child who comes from a musical family may be interested in music because she has been exposed to it, yet an interest in astronomy may never surface because the child had not been exposed to it except in a narrow way at school.
Born in St - Petersburg, Russia into a musical family, Vasily started playing the cello at the age of seven.
He grew up in a musical family and showed early signs of talent.
I come from a musical family and, at one time, won a karaoke contest!
He came from a musical family.
A textured drama about a musical family complete with richly realized characters and a pleasing soundtrack for all generations.
If being «musical» is the preserve of those (from those «musical families»!)
Often they come from «musical families», and don't realise how much of their musical development (and «talent») comes from being in a nurturing home environment where the long process of learning an instrument (with its inevitable peaks and troughs) was well understood, and where the expectation was that if you didn't «take» to one instrument you would simply try another.
Leddy, who comes from a musical family, also found inspiration in the lessons of his own teachers.
For example, a gifted child who comes from a musical family may be interested in music because she has been exposed to it, yet an interest in astronomy may never surface because the child had not been exposed to it except in a narrow way at school.
He holds a degree in engineering and computer science from Oxford University, and is the least musical member of a musical family.
It's about a musical family of violin - makers caught up in the 1917 Revolution, which means it combines a lot of the strands of her own past experience that until now she had thought were just plain incompatible: music, Russia, and pity for the ordinary people caught up in big, uncontrollable conflicts.
Owner Martin Rogge comes from a musical family, his grandmother and father played the piano professionally and his uncle played the violin in the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra.
It's craftsmanship that has almost disappeared from the American workplace and this concerns Christopher deeply: «Not only because I come from a musical family in which such craftsmanship was revered, but because I live in a time when fewer and fewer people make their own music.
Paul Klee: German - Swiss artist Paul Klee (1879 - 1940) came from a musical family, and he filled his paintings with a personal iconography of musical notes and playful symbols.
Charlie Haden sang with his musical family from the time he was just 2 years old.
Born into a musical family on lower Second Avenue in New York City, Kroll's father was a violinist and his cousin was William Kroll.
I came from a musical family can play several instruments and still love to sing and play when I have the opportunity.
Coming from a musical family, Matt was encouraged creatively from a young age, but how to channel it?
And it is also a well - used music room for our musical family.
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