Sentences with phrase «musical patterns»

Her artworks reflect a strong interest in musical patterns, rhythms, lyrical compositional elements and what she calls a sense of performance.
For example, «the whole idea that musical training and language development may be connected came from me talking to a couple of teachers who said they had students who were poor readers and who also struggled with learning to play a musical instrument and with copying musical patterns and wondered if those two things could be connected.»
Repetitive identical musical patterns played in unison result in an echo, such as the music of Phillip Glass, Brian Eno and Meredith Monk.
(1 - 4 players) Gobble Golf: Match musical patterns to feed hungry aliens — the more you feed, the higher your score.
As for the musical patterns that held and «composed» Dr. P., Sacks now sees that these also are narrative in form.
Their musical pattern will vary at different periods in their marriage.
To identify gene variants associated with musical aptitude, Irma Järvelä at the University of Helsinki, Finland, and colleagues analysed the genomes of 767 people assessed for their ability to detect small differences between the pitch and duration of a sound, and musical pattern.
Irma Järvelä of the University of Helsinki, Finland, and her colleagues recruited people from 19 families with at least one professional musician in each and tested their aptitudes for distinguishing rhythm, pitch and musical pattern.
Even basic human speech itself is laced with emotional direction: a musical pattern of long drawn out sounds versus short brief ones can be the difference between calming and exciting a child.
Musical intelligence involves skill in the performance, composition, and appreciation of musical patterns.
There are strong connections to music in Whitney's work, from the performative «dance» he enacts when working on each canvas, to the «call and response» technique that governs his decisions over neighbouring colours, mimicking the musical pattern of the same name.
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