Sentences with phrase «muslim fighting forces»

But add into the mix American civilians helping the USA armed forces... it still would be a mess for the muslim fighting forces.

Not exact matches

It also has forces engaged and in harm's way right now in Afghanistan, Iraq, and special forces in something like 90 countries, including fighting Muslim terrorists in the Philippines.
Now you put these ordinary muslim against well trained fighting forces and the muslim people no matter how many would still fail.
The crusades were initially begun to reclaim the Holy Lands from Islamic forces — in other words, Christians and Muslims fighting over what wasn't really theirs to begin with.
So the antichrist is preparing the stage for that by sending his forces (US forces) to fight Muslims and the Christ (his killer) When he comes back.
WO N'T BE LONG UNTIL there is fighting in the streets of the UK now... Right - Wing Muslim sects will use violence to try to force sharia law on the UK
Not long after, Western forces pulled out (after 300 US and French troops were killed) leaving the various Druze, Muslim and Christian factions to fight among themselves, supported by Israel, Syria, Iran, Palestine, and probably others.
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