Sentences with phrase «must not»

As Karl Barth put it, we «must not blind ourselves to... [the fact] that the kingdom of God has come from heaven to earth, that it has taken solid shape amongst us, and that it has foreshadowed the end of all human history and therefore of the child - parent relationship.»
«When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, «This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know,» the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives.
But the resurrection is our Lord's reminder that his followers must not be misled by the short - term view.
The very essence of religion is the fixed belief that all the answers are either already known or the sole and mysterious property of some god who must not be questioned about them.
Speaking about the sabbatical year, God warns the Israelites, «But the land must not be sold beyond reclaim, for the land is mine; you are but strangers resident with me» (Lev.
Here in North America, we may not feel called to be a part of that church, but we must not hinder it.
Once the criticism is received, we must not respond angrily in self - defense, but must move outside our borders, and take the gospel to others.
Fourth, Levi is instructed on all the sins that followers of Jesus must not commit, and told that if he commits any of these sins, he will be subject to «loving discipline.»
It clerly used the word MURDER Such word has been used regarding the killing of Bin laden, with the excuse that because, it is true that he was instrumental in the brutal and inhumane killing of inocent people at the TOWERS, however we must not act in the same way or use the same words that such criminal terrorist use, or we should not act similar as they acted, if we don't want to be looked as wild uncivilized people as they are.
We must not be confused by Whitehead's atomistic language as some of his disciples apparently are; the so - called «epochal theory of time» is atomistic only in name.
Of course, we must not fall into the opposite trap either.
My point was, if Jesus was humble and back then told his disciples to sell all they had and follow him, then he must not have been to bog on adorning ones self with the riches and material things of the Earth.
However; you must not be that «intellegent person» you are talking about... you can't even use correct spelling.
The modern lesson in this is that we must not cling too dogmatically to an ideal form of household.
So what your saying is, that if the Bible says it's ok, then people must not be getting hurt.
Atheists can express their views freely seriously, but religions must not be mocked for the sake of mockery.
Science has no tools to detect soul or spirit or god, so science ASSumes that they must not exist.
For example, God created the world and everything in it; then created mankind and provided a paradise to live in with just one taboo that must not be violated.
You must not know much about the workings of the Mormon church.
To retain our humanity, we must not accept the possibility that the injustice of history is the final word.
You must not be a very good historian.
It must not, therefore, go unchecked.
They are rightly suspicious of trading, for raiders» loyalty to each other and to their tasks must not be for sale.
he must not be real because he did nt step in and clean up my mess.
How do we remember that time is a construct to which we must not become enslaved?
He must NOT have been married if he was known as the Mastur... oh, Master Builder!
Must not be worth his time.
You must not have ever felt a baby kick inside their mother's womb Or heard their heartbeat Or seen an ultrasound of the developing child.
But the main thing continues to be that a little religious persecution, or even a lot of religious persecution, must not get in the way of support for progressive politics.
FYi... it's AKA fredom of choice, you must not have been born, should you don't have it yet.
The «I think» phrases and their likes must not be used in trasmitting the truth from the Word of God.
So to them with their imperfect logic God must not exist.
Abby Normal - One must not look outside to find what you seek.
If there is no certainty, there must not be any absolutes either, huh?
But of course, I hope you don't pull the old, «Well, he must NOT have been a Christian to do a sin like that.»
Some of our colleagues in the pro-life cause say this is a win - win development and we must not gloat.
Her religion specifically says she must not shave.
If this novel is fictional then it must be way far from reality else he MUST not use the word «fictional».
You must not have attended college away from home.
He also warned that the reconstruction effort must not become «a political fight or a looting of various forms».
Mormonism must not be Christian — because CNN is speaking positively about it.
However, we must not turn our backs on it, and say it is false.
It must NOT be tolerated.
They must not, at this late date, become scientific, bureaucratic, and technological; skeptical, self - conscious, and self - mocking.
I wish I could talk to Paul and find out what he really meant by his «women must not teach men» teaching.
A woman must not present herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it; that is a perversion.
People must not debate in «SECULAR» logic to start with, to know if the chains» charity decision was appropriate or not.
For there to be a scandal of the evangelical mind, there must not be just a mind, but also a readily identifiable thing called «evangelical» and a movement called «evangelicalism» — and the existence of such is increasingly in doubt.
The project must not be going very well.
This makes me wonder about the school she attended to obtain her Chaplain status... every graduate there must not be learning about salvation & how it is the ONLY WAY to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven (James 3:3 - 6) If I were in her shoes, I would definately be leading each & every soul to the Lord, and prompting them to make their heart right with God.
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