Sentences with phrase «mutual fund corporations»

Switch corporations are defined as mutual fund corporations with multiple classes of shares where each class is usually a distinct investment fund.
Mutual fund corporations collect and manage the money of other people for investment purposes.
The Budget will also «prevent the asymmetrical recognition of gains and losses on derivatives for tax purposes,» and «prevent the deferral of capital gains tax by investors in mutual fund corporations structured as switch funds.»
Even with a small investment of $ 1,000, your capital can purchase units of mutual fund trusts (or shares of mutual fund corporations), representing a proportionate ownership of all the securities held by the fund.
This Budget will also «prevent the asymmetrical recognition of gains and losses on derivatives for tax purposes,» and «prevent the deferral of capital gains tax by investors in mutual fund corporations structured as switch funds.»
For example, a single mutual fund corporation might include a Canadian equity fund, the US equity fund and a bond fund.
However effective budget day, the reorganization of a mutual fund corporation into a multiple mutual fund trusts will also be allowed on a tax deferred basis in respect of each class of shares, if all or substantially all of the assets in the class are transferred.
This is an extraordinary paradox, because we know that the Federal Reserve, U.S. Treasury, banks, brokerage houses, insurance companies, mutual fund corporations, pension fund managers and virtually every other participant in the United States financial services juggernaut have absolutely no interest in or anything whatsoever to gain from the people finally waking up to and acting upon the astoundingly bullish case for gold.
Under U.S. tax law, Canadian mutual fund trusts and mutual fund corporations are generally considered PFICs, which are subject to strict rules designed to limit U.S. taxpayers» ability to defer tax through foreign (non-U.S.) investments.
This rate applies to investment corporations, mortgage investment corporations, mutual fund corporations and non — resident - owned investment corporations.
A. Janis, the accounting details of a mutual fund corporation are long and dull.
The second benefit of capital class funds is that only capital gains and Canadian dividends flow through a mutual fund corporation.
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