Sentences with phrase «mutual submission»

Mutual submission means that people willingly and humbly support and serve each other equally. It is about showing respect and working together as a team, without one person or group having more power or authority over others. It promotes cooperation and understanding between everyone involved. Full definition
Specifically, we are now affirming of women in all aspects of church leadership and we believe in mutual submission for Christian marriage.
In a radical departure from all the other household codes of the day, he starts with mutual submission!
Divorce would not exist if mutual submission was the central element of every marriage.
I'm especially interested in your feedback after this post, as Christian marriage books based on mutual submission can be hard to come by.
This sermon from our friend Greg Boyd at Woodland Hills Church is a really nice, succinct articulation of mutual submission in marriage.
Heirs Together: Applying the Biblical Principle of Mutual Submission in Your Marriage by Patricia Gundry
From this perspective, there is much we can learn from the household codes about confronting our own privilege, keeping whatever power we may have in check, responding to our feelings of powerlessness, practicing mutual submission in our marriages, and imitating Christ in all of our interpersonal relationships.
The primary purpose is not to simply deconstruct the hierarchal view but rather to explain and discuss perspectives that emphasizes mutual submission with Christ as the example.
There is a vast difference between mutual submission to one another out of an overflow of love and having submission demanded of you, one - sided, out of a misguided attempt at biblical marriage.
As Christ Submits to the Church: A Biblical Understanding of Leadership and Mutual Submission by Alan G. Padgett
Does Ephesians 5:22 begin a new paragraph, or must we begin with Ephesians 5:21 which discusses mutual submission?
For egalitarians, the teachings and example of Jesus point to a new way of healing, equality, and mutual submission within male and female relationships.
His crazy beautiful words about freedom with responsibility, about mutual submission, his trust in Christ and not the law, about loving one another, about our Jesus....
This afternoon, Dan shares a little about what a pattern of mutual submission looks like in our marriage.
This is far from mutual submission and is not as God intended for the couple relationship.»
As a response to my post here, here is a list of resources for couples who would like to shape their marriage on the biblically - based idea of mutual submission (often called «egalitarian marriage» in theological circles) between spouses.
Like many Christians down through the centuries, we practice mutual submission.
Obviously, I'm a big advocate for mutual submission in marriage, as that is what I believe those biblical passages ultimately teach and this is what works best in our marriage, but more important than adopting a single household model — either patriarchal or egalitarian — is adopting the posture of Jesus Christ, who emptied himself of power and took the role of servant.
And that in response to what I have said about knowing our part in the kingdom, trusting God for justice and the privelidge it is to be part of that, you see different roles for the husband and wife in the relationship, in that it requireds a huband to «woo» to use an old fashioned word, his wife by being sacrificual and that engendering in her the submission in a spirit of mutual submission.
In other words, I understand this passage to refer to mutual submission.
Again, mutual submission is the ultimate goal — but the husband - role must play his / her cards first.
What I am hearing from you is a passion to want to see the wives submit to husbands done on the light of initially husbands sacrificing for wives and then the wife being comfortable to submit in a spirit of mutual submission having an atmosphere of security and safety that has been created by the husband.
I'm the one who was raised to believe, live, and advocate for mutual submission, for full equality.
It's not about having a leader and a follower, an initiator and a receiver; it's about mutual strength, trust, and dedication, and as Christians, mutual submission to the real Leader.»
(There was just one post I didn't get around to writing this week — one about decision - making in a marriage of mutual submission — so look for that sometime next week.)
If wives submit to their husbands as the Church submits to Christ, and if husbands love their wives as Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her, and if both husbands and wives submit to one another as commanded, we enter a never - ending, life - giving circle of mutual submission and love.»
If you're interested in this topic, be sure to check out Mutuality Series, in which we cover everything from women in church leadership, to mutual submission in marriage, to gender roles.)
If more leaders were like that and more congregates as willing to admit too where they had gone off track and change, then we will be more on the godly path of mutual submission and edificarion than the worldly language of rights and freedoms.
The writer neglects to quote the same passage as saying «submit yourselves ONE TO ANOTHER»; and then proceeds to list how husbands and wives practice that mutual submission.
It's not a mutual submission but one specifically aimed at women who must treat their husbands» word like that of their God.
It's not my job to try and force «mutual submission;» it's my job to humbly submit.
In communal affirmation, there is what theologian and scholar Dr. Phil Collins called a «check and balance» of the mutual submission for our callings.
Wilson contrasts this «God - ordained» relationship of authority and submission to that of an «egalitarian pleasure party,» which I can only assume refers to a sexual relationship characterized by mutual pleasure, mutual authority, mutual submission, and mutual respect — which sounds a lot more desirable to me than being conquered and colonized.
Someone wanted to know more about mutuality, more about this «mutual submission» thing in a marriage, and I watched my husband take the microphone and preach with great pride in my heart.
Instead, in Scripture, we see the third way: mutual submission.
«Even though we might agree with the idea of a mutual submission, these selected words have been turned into words...» of dominion and lordship.
this isnâ $ ™ t Jesus - style leadership that considers others first, that operates in mutual submission.
Even though we might agree with the idea of a mutual submission, these selected words have been turned into words of servitude and slavery.
Husbands and wives can be partners in a marriage based upon a sincere and radical giving of self on the part of both spouses, a giving that results in mutual submission.
Therefore, John Paul speaks of the need for mutual submission.
The result is a mutual submission, even mutual dependence, that does not undermine the role of men in church or home.
I'm taking them from men and women whose study of Scripture led them to support gender equality in the Church and mutual submission in marriage.
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