Sentences with phrase «mutually exclusive»

It has nothing to do with hate to note distinctions between faith traditions that are mutually exclusive.
Though they may be situated at the two extreme wings of Mankind on the march, they can advance unequivocally side by side because their attitudes, far from being mutually exclusive, are virtually an extension one of the other and ask only to be completed.
Well, the traditional understandings of Inspiration and Canonization seem to be mutually exclusive.
'' Implementing the policy as is and allaying the concerns are mutually exclusive,» Anthony Picarello, general counsel for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, said Tuesday.
Mutually exclusive means that they are completely separate issues.
Mystery and clarity are not necessarily mutually exclusive, however.
They aren't mutually exclusive.
But I am mistaken in speaking of a Christian republic; the terms are mutually exclusive.
It's not mutually exclusive.
Their styles of rhetoric, dress and symbolism are not mutually exclusive, and often interpenetrate and overlap.
Miller also clears up much confusion by showing that for Fosdick the «project method» and the «expository method» of preaching were not mutually exclusive.
My personal conviction has been for years that homosexuals are as human and as much valuable as heterosexuals, that God loves us all equally, gay or straight, and that homosexuality and Christianity are not mutually exclusive.
As not everyone shares the belief that all religions and beliefs can all just get along, to many they are mutually exclusive and each ultimately wanting to dominate the world.
For Hampson, Lutheranism and Catholicism represent mutually exclusive alternatives, each of which is unacceptable.
Science and religion are not mutually exclusive... all Christians do not believe just what they are told and some actually think «work out their faith», and we all don't just blindly believe in a «sky fairy» blah, blah, blah, God is like believing in the Easter bunny, religion is just here to control you... STUPID... do you know how much wisdom is in the bible?
Admittedly, the sinister and the silly are not mutually exclusive.
What Bill fails to understand, or chooses to ignore, is that the two beliefs are not mutually exclusive.
In this light, the genuinely different theological structures that typify Lutheran and Catholic theology can be recognized not as the closed, mutually exclusive systems Hampson has constructed, but as perspectives that overlap, clash and diverge in unpredictable but nevertheless consistent ways.
Most atheists are also agnostics because the terms are not mutually exclusive.
Missional and attractional seem to be almost mutually exclusive ideas in every church of which I have been a part.
Theism and atheism are jointly exhaustive and mutually exclusive, and relate to having or not having a specific belief: that there is a god.
Today, supporters and opponents of the culture of death have radically different and mutually exclusive worldviews, outlooks that do not necessarily track with the usual left - versus - right, religious - versus - secular paradigms that often roil our public controversies.
This brings us to the crucial point that the categories work if we emphasize that they are not mutually exclusive.
Moreover, in practical terms scientific authority pointed in too many mutually exclusive directions to be of much use.
Obviously morality and religion are mutually exclusive.
But, they come to mutually exclusive conclusions about what it teaches.
I view these two types of study as complementary rather than as mutually exclusive.
Also, eternal torture and all - loving are mutually exclusive concepts.
You said «it is entirely your choice if you would like to take a bunch of fossils over the indescribably fine tuned nature of our universe» You say that as if they are mutually exclusive.
Countless choices, including the universally influential choices, intersect to make a world, and how concretely they intersect is not chosen by anyone, nor could it be... Purpose in multiple form, and chance are not mutually exclusive but complementary; neither makes sense alone» (Hartshorne 1967, 58).
Said differently, faced with two mutually exclusive conclusions --(a) evolutionism is true and therefore moral realism is false, and (b) moral realism is true and therefore evolutionism is inadequate — reductivists choose (a).
Perhaps you too remember James Dobson taking to the airwaves to tell men that it is their divine responsibility to provide and women that it is their divine responsibility to nurture (as though the two are mutually exclusive).
The three responses are not «mutually exclusive,» the UCS report stated.
Some even assert that they express mutually exclusive models of the Eucharist and of the Church itself, despite the Holy Father making it clear in the Motu Propriu that this is not so (cf. Art 1).
A recurring theme of the Summit was, «Compassion and security do not have to be mutually exclusive
Great article, by the way, I always wondered whether atheism and AA are mutually exclusive.
Therefor, being all - knowing and all - powerful are mutually exclusive, ergo the christian god can't exist.
At first glance, it would seem that God and science can coexist since they occupy mutually exclusive realms of thought.
Two different mutually exclusive things can not be the same mutually exclusive thing as each other.
In common usage these two ways of regarding the matter are mutually exclusive.
Science and religion are mutually exclusive.
Science and religion are indeed mutually exclusive.
These things are not at all mutually exclusive.
Far from the imposition of an alien rationalism, such a demand for clarity and comprehensiveness is therefore a necessary desideratum of any interpretive theory, whether in epistemology or in the history of ideas.17 Recognition of the need for such comprehensive and mutually exclusive concepts need not restrict, but can rather uncover possible, if perhaps neglected schemes for both historical and constructive presentation.
Science and faith are not mutually exclusive, regardless of what society wants us to believe.
This Criticism assumes that being true and being interesting are mutually exclusive; if a statement is interesting it must not be true, arid vice versa.
Whichever book one follows however one would ultimately form one of the two mutually exclusive mindsets - religious or spiritual.
As an aside, the two are not mutually exclusive.
Both states of being can coexist, they are not mutually exclusive.
Alltuism and collectivism are logically mutually exclusive.
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