Sentences with phrase «mycotoxin sensitivity»

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True, but mycotoxin levels vary in coffee AND the sensitivity to them varies among people.
It's debatable whether the level of mycotoxins in chocolate are enough to harm you, but you will be more vulnerable if you're like me and one of the 25 percent of the population with the genetics of mold sensitivity.
In my case, a multitude of factors converged to produce autoimmunity — intestinal hyper - permeability, dysbiosis, food sensitivities, mitochondrial dysfunction, genetic polymorphisms, histamine intolerance, mycotoxins, adrenal dysfunction, heavy metal toxicity, micronutrient deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, and a host of recalcitrant and stealth infections.
This includes but is not limited to comprehensive stool testing, urine organic acids, nutrient levels, food sensitivity, complete hormones, cortisol (adrenal), heavy metals, genetics, mycotoxins and environmental chemicals.
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