Sentences with word «myocardium»

The word "myocardium" refers to a thick and muscular layer of tissue that makes up the middle layer of the heart wall. It is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body. Full definition
Intra-myocardial injection of the cells with a thin needle is performed manually at defined target areas of myocardium.
Stem cells affect the infarcted myocardium via neovascularization, reduction of apoptosis and paracrine effect, they are able to increase myocardial perfusion, inhibit synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL6 and TNFα) and promote expression of anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL10) minimizing the necrosis damage caused by local inflammatory reaction.
In pre-clinical experiments, hESC - derived cardiomyocytes engraft in damaged myocardium and appear to behave like native cells; hESC - derived islet cells engraft, produce the hormones of the endocrine pancreas, and appear to do so under homeostatic control; etc. \ n \ nThere is no evidence of teratomas from differentiated hESC - derived cells and minimal, if any, immune rejection.
Formation of Human Myocardium in the Rat Heart from Human Embryonic Stem Cells.
Cardiac activity was variable but intense activity was noted in the left ventricular myocardium in most cats.
They found not only that the hormone increased the rats» heart rate, but that there are specific binding sites for the hormone in the animals» heart muscle (atrial myocardium).
Furthermore, Saito et al 81 demonstrated that MSC undergoing differentiation to a cardiac phenotype were tolerated in a xenogeneic environment, retaining their ability to be recruited to the injured myocardium.
Although medical and surgical treatments available today for the ischemic heart disease patients diminish the risk of acute myocardial infarction and reduce to some extent the incidence of recurrent heart attack, one of the unsolved challenges is to affect myocardium remodeling occurring during ischemic heart failure.
The injured mammalian heart replaces necrotic myocardium with collagen - laden scar tissue.
An additional animal model study was conducted at Stanford University, USA, and proved significant improvement of the ischemic myocardium function when hESCs - derived cardiomyocytes were injected into the ischemic heart area of SCID mice.
In contrast, in response to injury, the zebrafish heart quickly seals the wound with a fibrin clot, followed by cardiomyocyte proliferation and neovascularization of the new myocardium.
It has been demonstrated that MSCs injected into the infarcted myocardium significantly improve the left ventricular function and reduce the infarcted area size.
In humans, LVNC is morphologically characterized by a severely thickened two - layered myocardium consisting of a thin compacted epicardial layer and a thick noncompacted endocardial layer.
There are discrete differentiation and maintenance programs for cardiomyocyte subpopulations within compact and trabecular myocardium (de la Pompa et al., 2012).
«We store aliquots of cells for each individual patient and will evaluate the efficacy of the adult stem cell transplantation into the dilated, failing myocardium of DCM dogs.»
When «Normal» Does Not Mean All is Well It is important to note that even if blood pressure is normal, it does not necessarily mean that tissue perfusion is adequate.3 In simple terms, the body attempts to maintain blood flow to the brain and myocardium at all costs: 3
I am extremely excited to now be working on microscale tissue constructs of the human myocardium, which might be used to study aspects of human developmental biology and serve as novel substrates for drug screening.
In summary, a number of promising stem cell products are currently tested in clinics in attempt to repopulate the infarcted myocardium and bring a solution to the patients suffering from the damage to the cardiac tissue.
Taken together, these data support the hypothesis that PRDM16 is present and functional as a transcription factor in the nuclei of cardiomyocytes in the embryonic and adult mammalian left ventricular myocardium.
Coronary heart disease (CHD), also called coronary artery disease (CAD) and atherosclerotic heart disease, is the end result of the accumulation of atheromatous plaques within the walls of the arteries that supply the myocardium (the muscle of the heart).
Since fish without this mutation are able to do both, the investigators concluded that an interaction between CXCR4 receptors on endothelial cells and the CXCL12b protein expressed by the myocardium regulate the process.
«MRI is a unique tool for studying heart tissue that enables us to explore in exquisite detail heart function, necrosis, the state of the microcirculation, and many other parameters that are critical in determining the post-infarction status of the myocardium,» says Dr. Fuster.
The brain and heart (the C - shaped blotch is the heart's muscular wall, called the myocardium) are also big energy users, so they show up too.
Acute exercise stress activates Nrf2 / ARE signaling and promotes antioxidant mechanisms in the myocardium.
Infiltrating cells in the myocardium and skeletal muscle were positive for the T - cell marker CD3 or the macrophage marker CD68.
Patient 2 had similar T - cell and macrophage infiltrates in the myocardium.
In both patients, immune infiltrates were found only in the myocardium and skeletal muscle.
Patient 1 was found to have patchy lymphocytic infiltrate within the myocardium that involved the cardiac sinus and atrioventricular nodes.
All components of the myocardium (myocytes, extracellular matrix, and capillary microcirculation) undergo complex, dynamic, and time - dependent changes resulting in significant necrosis of heart muscle tissue.
Given their ability to self - renew and differentiate, stem cells have been proposed to be excellent candidates to repopulate and regenerate the infarcted myocardium.
Expressed in striated muscles, including skeletal muscles (gastrocnemius and rectus abdominis) and myocardium (at protein level)(PubMed: 26671069, PubMed: 27826249).
While the heart is notoriously resistant to repair, considerable evidence suggests that the fundamental biology of the myocardium provides multiple opportunities to stimulate or boost these repair mechanisms.
The resulting ischemia (restriction in blood supply) and ensuing oxygen shortage, if left untreated for a sufficient period of time, can cause damage or death (infarction) of heart muscle tissue (myocardium).
Next, we performed detailed histopathological assessments of the myocardium and the aortic vascular wall to identify possible effects of rapamycin on cardiovascular pathology associated with normal aging.
It occurs in the highest concentration in the brain, the retina and in the myocardium (heart muscle).
Subjects were participants in the Women's Ischemia Syndrome Evaluation (WISE) who had reported chest pain and were thus suspected to suffer from myocardial ischemia (defined as pathological loss of or reduction in blood flow — ischemia — to a part of the muscular tissue of the heart — myocardium).
It is caused by extensive fibrofatty infiltration into the myocardium, ARVC usually leads to ventricular arrhythmias, but these are not necessarily apparent from auscultation alone.
Thickening of the myocardium per se does not cause turbulent blood flow, hence many cats with HCM do not have a heart murmur.
The release of catecholamines in response to a painful stimulus results in tachycardia, hypertension, and an increase in oxygen consumption by the myocardium.
Other potential treatments after careful consideration of side - effects and that are recommended under the supervision of a cardiologist include medications such as carvedilol and metoprolol or injections of myoblasts (viable cells) into the myocardium (heart muscle).
DCM is a condition where the heart muscle (myocardium) loses its ability contract normally and as effectively (figure 1).
Tachycardia can also increase the oxygen demand of the myocardium, inducing arrhythmias.
The cat's prognosis worsens if there is extensive permanent change in the myocardium.
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