Sentences with phrase «myriad health problems»

Sitting for 8 hours at your office desk can cause myriad health problems, such as poor circulation, joint pain, and heart disease.
Despite myriad health problems, generally low IQs and severe spatial problems, people with Williams syndrome are irresistibly drawn to strangers, look intently at people's faces, remember names and faces with ease, and are colorful and skillful storytellers.
Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health A renowned cardiologist explains how eliminating wheat from our diets can prevent fat storage, shrink unsightly bulges, and reverse myriad health problems.
Despite myriad health problems and generally low IQs, these patients are extremely gregarious, irresistibly drawn to strangers, and insist on making eye contact.
Interfaith serves a predominantly low - income patient base, many of whom have myriad health problems, drawn from the central Brooklyn communities of Bedford — Stuyvesant and Crown Heights.
Despite myriad health problems and generally low IQs, they are extremely gregarious, irresistibly drawn to strangers, and insist on making eye contact.
An acidic diet can cause emotional distress in the body and toxic overload, leading to myriad health problems.
If the bacterial balance is altered in your body, (antibiotics, the Pill, alcohol, stress and many more potential causes) candida yeast can grow rapidly and cause a myriad health problems.
This explains why antibiotics can contribute to myriad health problems, even though they may have successfully treated a condition.
The research IS overwhelming that excessive sugar consumption leads to myriad health problems, so your best bet is to avoid sweet foods and drinks as much as possible.
Cats who don't exercise won't burn off the calories and fat they ingest at mealtime, and this will inevitably lead to weight gain, which can then lead to myriad health problems, including diabetes and arthritis.
This simple term can obscure hinky substances tied to myriad health problems, from allergies to endocrine disruption.
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