Sentences with phrase «myrosinase which»

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The extreme heat destroys the enzyme myrosinase, which is necessary to form sulforaphane, the powerful cancer - preventive compound in broccoli, she said.
More accurately, Brassica vegetables contain myrosinase, which helps break down glucosinolates like glucoraphanin into usable forms of isothiocyanates including sulforaphane.
Naturally occurring sulforaphane in cruciferous vegetables is formed from glucosinolates, which are produced with the help of an enzyme called myrosinase.
By contrast, boiled radish sprout extracts (deactivating ESP) to which myrosinase was subsequently added, induced similar QR activity to broccoli sprouts.
For instance, studies reveal that isothiocyanate metabolites can be detected in the blood and urine after cooked glucosinolate - containing foods are eaten, although to a lesser extent than their raw glucosinolate - containing counterparts.69 In far messier studies, scientists have taken cooked watercress and simply mixed it with human feces, which converted the glucosinolates to isothiocyanates through their intrinsic myrosinase activity.
For instance, adding powder from mustard seeds, which contain a more durable form of myrosinase, can help offset some of the issues with cooking.63 Adding lemon juice can double the amount of available sulforaphane.64 Further issues surface, however, as the final sulfur products share myrosinase's kryptonite; they are also heat sensitive.
For more info on why adding myrosinase to isothiocyanates is useful, see this post on sulforaphane — which is a super useful compound which activates the NRF - 2 pathway, responsible for regulating around 200 different genes.
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