Sentences with phrase «mysterious words»

These aren't mysterious words — they are what you'd expect.
More specifically, the exhibition includes Charles Jones» lovely, luminous peach; Nikolai Kuleschow's surveillance balloon; Fredrich Seidenstucker's trio of kitchen maids; Anton Stankowski's photogram of a haunting baby; anonymous images of birds on wires; fireworks leaving mysterious words in the sky, and the forensic close - up of a pistol pointed directly at the viewer.
He talks extremely fast and sprinkles his remarks with free market jargon, climate change lingo, historical references and various mysterious words that seem to come from a secret conservatives - only code book.
I memorized the mysterious words, «Hallowed be thy name.»
To enter Chapter Nineteen is to enter a world of images, intimate details, and mysterious words.
There are the physical signs, the eye contact, the prayers, and then, in the case of the man deaf and speechless, Jesus's mysterious word, Ephphatha!
The letter said the Metropolitan Police had a document from News International to Glen Mulcaire's company showing a payment of # 250 made on 7 May 2006, the date it was revealed Lord Prescott had had an affair - along with the mysterious words «other Prescott assist.»
During preparations for a newsreel story on Kane's life, the producers determine that they need to know the man more and send a reporter out to find out what the mysterious word means.
If a visitor to Philadelphia becomes completely confused trying to figure out what the locals are saying to one another, the mysterious word «jawn» might be to blame.
She also relates her grandparents» mysterious words and actions - things she hadn't given much thought to as a child, but which make more sense as she comes to better understand their history.
The United Earth Government, left with little choice has offered a bounty to anyone who could solve the mystery behind the doctor's mysterious words.
«Chaotics» has become the sole source of energy in the entire world but the inventor of Chaotics, Dr. Tesla has suddenly disappeared and left the mysterious words, «CHAOS CODE» behind.
Just scan in the label and find out which of the mysterious words actually mean «animal product.»
Gone are the times when we used to search for the mysterious word with full attention.
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