Sentences with phrase «mystery of existence»

For they are concerned with God and his salvation, which men can receive only if they adore him who is the first and last mystery of their existence in selfless hope and love.
Even though Schweitzer, emphasizing the impenetrable mystery of existence which surrounds us, says that all deep thought which thinks itself out to a conclusion wades into the waters of the «nonrational.»
What it means for God to love the world, to suffer, to give freedom to the creatures and to will communion with them is the very mystery of existence.
It is to devote oneself to working towards a fully humane world within the ecological restraints here on planet Earth, while standing in piety and awe before the profound mysteries of existence
Here lies the center of the mystery of our existence as person, as wayfarer in time and place, Percy's continuous theme.
The mystery of our existence, the superhuman chance of mankind is that God places Himself in man's hands: He wants to come into the world through man.
Julian Huxley speaks of «the basic and universal mystery — the mystery of existence in general....
The Mystery of Existence features three pages of quotations from famous figures taking the plunge.
In any event, The Mystery of Existence is not about the clash between classical and modern / personal forms of theism («theistic personalism»), a distinction that is anyway not directly on point in explicating Nothing (our limited mission again), since in either case, classical or modern / personal, God can be in some sense necessary.
In The Mystery of Existence, he has added a classification of nine «Levels of Nothing,» a response to contemporary confusion.
Our thanks to Edward Feser for his review of The Mystery of Existence: Why Is There Anything At All?
Theistic readers of The Mystery of Existence may feel relieved when the «personal theist» Timothy O'Connor tells them that while he, too, sees God's goodness, power, and knowledge as intimately linked, he finds it «very hard to be sure» what Aquinas» doctrine «is supposed to come to.»
For us, the bottom line is that the best way to appreciate the Mystery of Existence is to explore answers people have suggested to Why Is There Anything At All?
You can then see the true beauty of life, and the mystery of existence.
Like Dickinson, Kenyon was convinced that her duty as a poet — and as a Christian, I think she would have added — was to honor the beauty, terror and mystery of existence.
And the question of God, thus understood, is one that is ineradicably present in the mystery of existence itself, or of consciousness, or of truth, goodness, and beauty.
How did our complex cosmos emerge, giving rise to conscious beings able to ponder the wonder and mystery of their existence
I believe, this question of ultimate meaning looms with greater and greater importance as we delve even deeper into the mysteries of existence, including the theoretical implications of the Big Bang theory (cf. Robert Jastrow, God and the Astronomers, 1978).
Finally, for your two On the Square posts of the day: Pete Spiliakos is still pondering the end of Breaking Bad, and John Leslie and Robert Lawrence Kuhn respond to Edward Feser's review of their book, The Mystery of Existence: Why Is There Anything At All?
How do we know when the mystery of existence and the promise of God's future has been disclosed to us in our particular lives?
When it come to these mysteries of existence the first scientific evidence was discovered about 80 years ago, when Edwin Hubble began to make observations in the 1920s with the 100 - inch telescope on Mount Wilson in Los Angeles County.
In these articles, we confront these mysteries of existence and others, from the possibility that the universe is a hologram to the near - certainty that you are a zombie.
After all, if we want to crack the mysteries of our existence, there may be no better approach than to directly study the blueprints.
You grow every day with your practice and the mysteries of existence unfold gradually.
And that gap is your core consciousness, it's your soul, it's your connection to the mystery of existence.
On his maiden voyage to Earth, the first human born on Mars experiences the joys and wonders of a new world while trying to unravel the mysteries of his existence.
Dreams within dreams within dreams... Our hero (Wiley Wiggins) chases meaning through a series of encounters and conversations with sage or self - indulgent philosophers and burn - outs, each exhibiting a joy for the mystery of existence that shames the rote and lackadaisical products that crowd the cineplex.
The answer to the mystery of existence is the love you shared sometimes so imperfectly, and when the loss wakes you to the deeper beauty of it, to the sanctity of it, you can't get off your knees for a long time, you're driven to your knees not by the weight of the loss but by gratitude for what preceded the loss.
A widely admired writer on religion celebrates agnosticism as the most vibrant, engaging - and ultimately the most honest - stance toward the mysteries of existence.
France has a long tradition of alchemy, a much misunderstood esoteric system of knowledge to do with the mysteries of existence.
Seeking an order beyond physical appearances, going beyond physical realities to come closer to the mysteries of existence, experimenting with the suppression of the self in an indissoluble union with the cosmos... It was the mystical experience above all else that inspired the Symbolist artists of the late 19th century who, reacting against the cult of science and naturalism, chose to evoke emotion and mystery.
The art critic Toshiaki Minemura has said of Otake's work that while it «She seems to have dropped her anchor in the mystery of existence, the central issue of sculpture, with a precision that can not be achieved through ordinary abstract sculpture.»
But most of all I need the mystery of existence to be what I pursue, not obviously with words but with what I find in myself and my relation with nature.
Essentially a line of vitality and energy that seems to assert the mystery of existence and the dynamism of life, its unassailable verticality in the midst of vast field of color often sparks a mystical connection with the verticality of viewer standing in front of the painting.
Her work is created by a wholly original mash - up of Western modernism and post-modernism, classical South Asian and Tibetan traditions, and is always defined by the commonality of the painter's touch and sensitivity for process and materiality, creating work of a deeply personal iconography that investigates the universal dilemmas and mysteries of existence.
Painter Mary DeVincentis Herzog employs her deeply personal iconography to investigate the universal dilemmas and mysteries of existence.
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