Sentences with phrase «mystical interpretation»

* The ancient Jewish tradition of mystical interpretation of the Bible, first transmitted orally and using esoteric methods (including ciphers).
The method gave rise to the couplet: Litera gesta docet, Quid credas allegoria / Moralis quid agas, Quo tendas anagogia (which freely translates as: «The literal teaches what God and our ancestors did; the allegory is where our faith and belief is hid / The moral meaning gives us the rule of daily life; the anagogy [or mystical interpretation] shows us where we end our strife»).
Sufi — a Muslim mystic; a member of a religious order which follows mystical interpretations of Islamic doctrines and practices.
While they no doubt owe much to the precedents of Op art and Pattern and Decoration, Takenaga's repetitive forms, like Ross Bleckner's, inspire more mystical interpretation... Takenaga's paintings portray matter and energies beyond what we know, beyond the everyday world.
Kabbalah instructor and scholar Chaim Solomon will discuss the concepts and themes of Kabbalah, the ancient tradition of mystical interpretations of the Bible, found in the work of artist Anselm Kiefer.
[21] As John Henry Newman famously wrote: «It may be almost laid down as an historical fact that the mystical interpretation and orthodoxy will stand or fall together» John Henry Newman, A.n Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine, ch 7, section 4, no5).
Cannabis is frequently used among Sufis the mystical interpretation of Islam that exerts strong influence over local Muslim practices in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Turkey, and Pakistan.
These facts, scientifically correct, with their mystical interpretation, are for the first time presented in simple, non-technical language, in a book which everyone can enjoy and profit by reading.
In such works, the landscape is acknowledged, and yet is submitted to a mystical interpretation beyond shapes and perspective.
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