Sentences with phrase «mystical way»

Just when you need it most, the right people will show up, with just the tools you'll need to support you and your journey in an almost mystical way.
Where you can encounter a people whose mystical ways are enriched by a gentle and gracious culture.
As is always the case with his work, Mr. Polke said, the paintings for the biennale sprang from specific ideas yet evolved in mystical ways as he experimented.
God, for our pantheists, is experienced in some vaguely mystical way as the absence of personal reality, as the losing of oneself in some kind of divine oceanic whole.
The key point, however, is the much longer residence time of CO2 in the atmosphere... GWP tries to address this in its own mystical way, but there are much better ways of thinking about the issue.
it is like human society (humanity) has grown tired of the harshness of reality and we now seek mystical ways of self - help.
This is the traditional, threefold mystical way of purgation, illumination and union.
The key point, however, is the much longer residence time of CO2 in the atmosphere... GWP tries to address this in its own mystical way, but there are much better ways of thinking about the issue.
I would have told you about how Jesus was resurrected from the dead, about how because of that time - splitting moment, we were also now resurrected in some mystical way — dead in my sin, now alive in Christ sort of stuff — and I'd probably throw in quite a bit about how resurrection is the end - game of the story we are in, how death isn't the final moment anymore and we'll all be quite literally alive again even after death in some great new city.
These purer expressions of the mystical way are consummated in the epiphany of a primordial Totality, a Totality that reveals itself as being the underlying reality of a seemingly fallen cosmos, and a Totality that is the original source of the polarities of consciousness and the antinomies of history.
Indeed, it is only our discovery of Oriental religious or mystical ways that has initiated us into the full meaning of what must appear to us as «backward» ways to a primordial Unity or Totality.
The mystical way produces the type known as the contemplative.
We understand ourselves bound together in a mystical way, not by blood, but by water — the water of baptism.
It was because of this image and because of the ease with which my mother seemed to nurse her children that I just didn't realize that breastfeeding doesn't always just «happen» in some magical or mystical way.
I want to battle Krakens, and find some mystical way to recover my youth and my lost hand.
This does become a spiritual issue but not in a mystical way.
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