Sentences with phrase «mythical meanings»

The objects of vision were observed apart from their relation to the preexisting emotions, practical needs, and mythical meanings of the observer.
Indeed by aesthetic projection of the gods, the Greeks subordinated mythical meanings to the rational consciousness.
What is common to all axial peoples is that the seat of existence shifted from the unconscious to the reflective consciousness, and that, thereby, the reflective consciousness ceased to be bound by the mythical meanings of the unconscious.
Thus the foundation of Greek culture was aesthetic, specifically the aestheticizing of mythical meanings.
When it is in the unconscious, then the rational activities of reflective consciousness are incorporated into the whole life of the psyche only in terms of mythical meanings.
One no longer need do and think just what had been done and thought, and the mythical meanings by which man had lived so long were now problematic rather than simply given.

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I mean, I dismiss both heaven and hell as mythical fabrications.
The cross in its redemptive aspect is not an isolated incident which befell a mythical personage, but an event whose meaning has «cosmic» importance.
Evangelical Christian translators of the New International Version of the Bible (the NIV) add in a footnote that the word translated as «tail» might possibly refer to «trunk,» which means the translators of the NIV can't seem to tell one end of this mythical beast from the other!
It was rather that whether you take the story literally or as a mythical description of what we mean by the Resurrection (namely, that the living presence of the crucified Christ is present with us now), the idea is better forgotten, or rather is better not entertained at all, that the Resurrection is parallel to the raising of Lazarus from the grave in the Fourth Gospel.
I guess that means that you believe that the Bible contains mythical creatures.
the belief on the existence of the devil was concieved by theologians of the past thousands of years, there was no other way of explaining the bad experiences of people in the past because we were not educated yet to the kind of what we have now, Why this happened because that was part of the learning process that God wants us to know, in pathrotheism, we are part of God, and He himself is evolving because He is the universe, We are now the conscious part of Him, our destiny in accordance to his will also be His destiny because it is His will.Although He prepared first all the material reality of the universe ahead of us, The experiences for us humans including the supernatural is just part of nirmal process for learning because its natural process, today we reach a point of not believing the practices of the past, but it does not mean its wrong, Just like a child, adults loved to tell mythical stories to them, because we knew children enjoys it as part of their learning process.
Its literal meaning, which it bears in large parts of his essay, is the removal of the inappropriate mythical garb with the false objectivity of its cosmic imagery — and this means the abolition of the myth.
From a logical point of view, however, these two conceptions are not mutually exclusive, especially if Bultmann is right in regarding the true sense of myth as the disclosure of the «self - understanding of man», and the objectivizing imagery with its implied mythical world view the inadequate means for the expression of that sense.
By mythical existence I mean, then, an existence that satisfies two conditions.
Mythical man lived in a universe of sacred meanings and powers.
This debate was crucial in distinguishing and relating scientifically objective history and the mythical interpretations of it expressing the divine and subjective meaning of the same for the community of faith.
If the pupils are led to understand that all myths are false, we have the choice either of denying that such literature is mythical or of asserting that myths carry meanings not otherwise communicable.
If the organizing center of experience is in the unconscious aspect of experience, as is true for those whose world of meanings is primarily mythical, then the term «I» in the strict sense is inappropriate.
It is written in mythical terms, and demythologizing it means that the myth is stripped away to get at the truth embodied in the myth.
I mean, think of the fame you would get for being the person who caught the mythical Lake Monster?
(We may add that if «mythological» means whatever can not be reconciled with the modern scientific view of the world with its closed system of cause and effect, then an eschatological act of God is either no act at all or else it is mythical in the above sense of that word.)
I am convinced that this position, widespread as it is, must now be rejected as a compromise in view of our deeper insight into the real meaning of mythical language and of religious language generally.
The mythical thought of the New Testament on the other hand, does reckon with such interferences, and if such thought enshrines a profound and genuine insight into the nature of the human ego, it requires restatement to make it plain, and that means the complete abandonment of mythology.
Just because no one can answer that quastion doesn't mean there isn't an explanation other than some mythical being.
Just because you believe in a mythical creature does not mean you should be allowed to do permanent psychological damage to your children.
It was rather that, whether you take the empty tomb story literally or as a mythical description of what we mean by the Resurrection (namely that the living presence of the crucified Christ is present with us now), the idea is better forgotten, or rather is better not entertained at all, that the Resurrection is parallel to the raising of Lazarus from the grave in the Fourth Gospel.
If biblical narratives do not derive their meaning by referring to historical events or ontological realities, how can biblical theology be anything more than a symbolic or mythical construct?
The mythical symbol structure gave meaning to all activities, and thus the whole of life participated in the sacred.
It continued to function in continuity with the mythical symbol systems of the past, as the foundation of meaning and communal unity and the magical means of obtaining desired goods.
Because the disciplined study of history has helped us to distinguish between history and myth, and to come to the tentative conclusion that the stories of the Virgin Birth, the Transfiguration, the Resurrection and the Ascension are mythical in character, this does not mean that the faith which they have traditionally expressed and conveyed is thereby undermined.
In reality the Christian affirmations of the Incarnation of the Word, of the Redemption as liberation from sin, of the procession of the Spirit, of the future Parousia, are mythical notions which should be reduced to their rational meaning.
The name appropriately means «Moon» and comes from an ancient, mythical Roman Goddess.
Erwin Schrödinger contributed a great deal to quantum theory, including his mythical cat facing death in an imaginary box, unleashed on the world in 1935 as a means of exposing the difficulties with the Copenhagen interpretation.
The word Garuda means an eagle and refers to the mythical king of birds called Garuda, who is also the vehicle for Lord Vishnu.
To answer that question, you have to take a look at the pose's metaphorical meaning — as is nearly always the case when considering Indian mythical lore.
The plot technically revolves around Ragnarok — an apocalypse meant to signify the end of days in the mythical realm of Asgard — but it's basically an excuse to have Thor interact with a parade of nutjobs to rival the scamps of Guardians of the Galaxy.
Gerwig is cast as the eponymous Mistress America (well, sort of, her name is Brooke), a mythical amalgamation of ambition and out of the box ideas that captivates the wayward Tracy (Lola Kirke), a shy college freshman after their parents get engaged, meaning that she and Brooke are about to become stepsisters.
So does that mean Kristen Wiig and her bouquet - wielding bridesmaids will fall under the hammer of the mighty Thor, the mythical Marvel Comics prince played by Chris Hemsworth like Don Draper on steroids?
The story goes like this: The Great God of the Forest, a mythical creature with the body of a deer, a human face and wooden horns that morphs into a giant, glistening blue amphibian at night (imagine Cecil, the Sea Serpent, dressed by Bob Mackie), has decreed that the forest gods may use any means to protect their domain from humans.
This mythical tale of retribution and redemption unfolds in Fort Smith, Arkansas in the 1870s, where we find the film's young narrator, Mattie Ross (Hailee Steinfeld), eager to hire the meanest bounty hunter around to apprehend the man (Josh Brolin) who murdered her father in cold blood.
This mythical tale of retribution and redemption unfolds in Fort Smith, Arkansas in the 1870s, where we find the film's young narrator, Mattie Ross (Hailee Steinfeld), eager to hire the meanest bounty hunter around to apprehend Tom Chaney (Josh Brolin), the killer who has just murdered her father in cold blood.
We can do the whole song and dance of spelling out the basic reasons for the movie's importance: what it means for Hollywood that a project of this size, with this budget, and with a nearly all - black cast, can finally seem like a worthwhile risk for a major studio and the timely impact of a movie about a mythical African kingdom, a so - called «shithole country,» to be released at this moment in our political history.
However, on March 14, 2008, Alfa Romeo announced officially that the name would instead be «MiTo», an abbreviation of the cities Milano (Milan) & Torino (Turin), because it was designed in the former and was to be assembled in the latter; the name is also a play on the Italian word «mito», meaning «mythical» or «legendary».
It's a really important price since it means that we go below the mythical $ 100 price barrier and lots of people who were unwilling to pay $ 114 for a Kindle 3 with Special Offers will now supposedly be psychologically compelled to buy the Kindle Touch with Special Offers for $ 99.
Science, which is only another name for truth, now holds religious charlatans, self - deceivers and God agents in a certain degree of check — agents and employees, I mean, of a mythical, medieval, man - made God, anthropomorphic in constitution.
Enemies still bleed, which means Kratos can still go on a killing spree to take out the mythical Norse creatures in all of their shapes and sizes.
Alex Kidd's full name (Alex Kidd Osaru) comes from a fonetic pun that means «Osaru (mythical giant monkey beast) house prince» (osāru - ka no ōji) which kinda explains why he has big ears.
The mythical power of popular music, the transformative promise of socialist movements and the trickery and concealment of politicians, oligarchs and big businesses all come under the spotlight as Deller assembles large - scale murals, drawings, photographs, film and historical materials to question what Englishness really means today.
The artist Todd Murphy uses skirts as just such a means of projection, making them gateways to mythical realms.
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