Sentences with phrase «mythiological magical thinking»

Magical thinking starts when you're a child.
While magical thinking is a concept in psychology, this, in plain terms, is how it relates to the context of business.
It's a remarkably common phenomenon called magical thinking, and it's remarkably destructive.
Don't give into magical thinking.
The psychodynamic approach is on full display in Season 1's penultimate episode, «Magical Thinking
You've got to be careful about «magical thinking.»»
Their mindset on financial matters defies logic so I'm just going to call it what it is: magical thinking.
«There are people who engage in magical thinking about retirement happiness, just as some engage in magical thinking about retirement security — they want it, but they take no steps to get there,» says James Pawelski, who is also the executive director of the International Positive Psychology Association.
The time for magical thinking is over.
However, Halligan's compensation ($ 18,000 / year toward conference attendance, $ 2,500 / year FSA, full health insurance with paid premiums, 30 days of PTO, to name a few) sounds more like magical thinking than solutions that could actually work in start - ups.
Don't let magical thinking lead you to under - estimate your expenses or sources of income.
Magical thinking might be smart politics, but it's not very good economics.
I'm rounding these numbers because to think Facebook is not massively overvalued needs magical thinking not math.
I still remember the first time I used a computer and how magical I thought my then desktop computer was.
Have you read Joan Didion's book, The Year of Magical Thinking?
Great cartoon David, I see much of modern Christiandom indulging in magical thinking; word faith, prosperity, etc..
The creation story is, because it is nothing but magical thinking that detracts from empirical reality.
Religion is the ultimate example of magical thinking.
To claim that Jesus was imaginary is delusional requiring magical thinking of the most extraordinary sort to explain how Christianity became established.
That's how dangerous magical thinking is, and any one still living in a demon - haunted darkness in the 21st century should just be embarrassed.
Well done in a sea of magical thinking.
Until then, ghosts, fairies, angels, gods, demons, voodoo curses and such will remain mere wishful, magical thinking and superst.ition.
It's always fun to see the contortions that result from human decency overlapping with magical thinking.
It's for people ready to leave their magical thinking behind.
Yes — and I think there is something in our human nature that is about survival that while a good and necessary thing to have can when mixed with none of us being perfect lead us to perceptions and magical thinking which may or may not be in touch with reality.
Parenting demands vigilance as much as it does magical thinking
You call it magical thinking David.
Have you read Joan Didion's remarkable memoir, «The Year of Magical Thinking»?
To believe that personal sins lead to international catastrophes is primitive and magical thinking.
Nightwyn's dead right, it's magical thinking of the most childish kind.
The difference id that evolution is based on facts (fosils, prior extinct animals, the evolution before our very eyes with microbes, etc) and creationism has absolutely no evidence whatsover and is based on fantasy and magical thinking and has no place in science classes.
I can't believe how many Christians will try to deny their magical thinking.
The new manifesto urges humanity to «leave behind the magical thinking and myth - making that are substitutes for tested knowledge of nature,» notes that religions «have their origins in pre-urban nomadic and agricultural societies of the past» and are irrelevant to the «postindustrial global information culture that is emerging,» and calls for a World Parliament.
Still, Sciences are based on scientific evidences not magical thinking.
-LSB-...] Aladdin's Lamp version of the bible Filed under: the bible Why do so many encourage magical thinking?
I like what you said here Carol «Actually, magical thinking takes the mystery out of religion and puts the believer back in control».
This thing about arming the population is ridiculous and really is just magical thinking.
You said «The reality is that Atheists post on a Belief Blog because it is a place to challenge the conceptions of Religion which we feel are a detriment to human society by proporting magical thinking»
The tithe is not only a false teaching in the church, it promotes guilt, shame, and a host of goofy magical thinking.
I think we should look for answers in the theory of evolution as to why it is that humanity is infllicted with magical thinking to such an extent that even brilliant people can not escape the trap of religious delusion.
In the absense of a naturalistic explanation, your default belief is magical thinking?
This lead to the magical thinking that rare examples, like four leaf clovers and white buffalo, are «lucky» or a «sign» of something, where the reality is that they're just not average.
I disdain magical thinking.
Magical thinking that is directly contrary to the known facts is unlikely to «fix the problems of this world.»
That's magical thinking found within mythology.
Sometimes we're afraid and just want them to believe the magical thinking that religion is so good at nurturing.
David A. Stewart, in Thirst for Freedom, describes the operation of the alcoholic's narcissism as «the little dictator,» an unconscious complex of magical thinking, false pride, fear, anger, lack of insight, and resistance to facing one's need for outside help.
The gospel is a form of magical thinking that seeks to direct people's energy and control their actions.
The magical thinking is that Jesus (God incarnate) chose to pay the debt for you: dah dah, debt paid, hallelujah.
There are only gullible people like yourself, who have been suckered into the ancient, illogical, stagnant mythology of magical thinking and others, like me, who choose to pursue the scientific method and spend the rest of my life improving my own knowledge with new discoveries and participating in the great modern renaissance of mankind!
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