Sentences with phrase «myths about credit cards»

There are a lot of factors that go into calculating a credit score and a lot of myths about credit cards, in general.
The blogosphere has long buzzed with reports that Americans have fallen prey to certain myths about credit cards and personal finance — from the notion that checking your credit report will lower that score to the belief that federal bankruptcy law now prohibits individuals from filing for Chapter 7.
I think it's time to dispel some of the myths about credit cards and talk about the ways you can get a credit card even if you've never had one.
One of the most pervasive myths about credit cards is that you need to be in debt to build or improve your credit.

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He advises consumers to educate themselves about how credit cards truly work and not fall for the myth «that to build good credit you have to carry a balance.»
There are a lot of myths racing around online about how your credit cards impact your credit score.
There's a lot of information out there about credit cards — including some pretty common myths and misconceptions.
There are some common myths about using business credit cards..
One of the biggest myths about managing credit cards is that you have to pay your balances off every month to keep a great credit score.
Credit cards have been around for a long time now — and so have all these myths about paying with plastic.
Excellent article in the Washington Post titled «Five myths about America's credit card debt.»
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There is a rather stubborn credit myth about the impact of closing a credit card account and what it means for your scores.
8 myths about settling credit card debt — Before you decide to try debt settlement, make sure you know the difference between common myths — and the truth... (See Debt)
But, don't let overwhelm, confusion and myths about travel rewards credit cards keep you from realizing your travel goals.
See related: How to find the best airline rewards bonus miles deal, Debunking myths about frequent flier programs, How the IRS treats frequent flier credit card rewards, Track reward program changes before they happen
See related: How to find the best airline rewards bonus miles deal, Debunking myths about frequent flier programs, How the IRS treats frequent flier credit card rewards
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