Sentences with phrase «n't abort a fetus»

Then please for me locate the passage «Thou shalt not abort thy fetus».

Not exact matches

@Keith actually it's you who can't seem to stomach the reality of things we know full well what it means, once again you have to get your facts strait, it's only legal to abort the first 21 weeks when the fetus can not live outside of the mothers womb, if the mother is to give birth within this time line the the fetus could not survive (a miscarriage).
once again you have to get your facts strait, it's only legal to abort the first 21 weeks when the fetus can not live outside of the mothers womb if the mother would give birth within this time line the the fetus wouldn't survive, a miscarriage.
If we can abort a hemophiliac fetus, lethally inject a screaming three - week - old, and put drooling grandmothers to sleep, why not poison grouchy husbands or mail a bomb to troublesome IRS agents?
From the mother's perspective, the fetus is a parasite that she can nurture until it becomes viable, or she can not offer it nutrition by aborting it before it becomes viable.
I especially do not understand the meddling on the part of Christians who would tell you that they believe aborted fetuses go to heaven, anyway.
Because God flooded Earth and except Noah and his family in what is clearly not a sea - bearing boat, killed everyone, including «innocent» babies (which of course begs to question the whole idea about the Bible being against abortion and all even though it doesn't explicitly say anything against abortion though the method for aborting fetuses, e.g., forced miscarriage, already existed in those days.
Now, if we are not going to outlaw abortion, and the doctors / scientists want to take the aborted fetus and do stem cell research on it, well the damage is done and we might as well get all that we can out of it.
At issue is Obama's opposition to Illinois legislation in 2001, 2002 and 2003 that would have defined any aborted fetus that showed signs of life as a «born alive infant» entitled to legal protection, even if doctors believe it could not survive.
If she or her family can not possibly care for the child, and all fetuses that had been aborted were born and put up for adoption and foster care, this article states that 40 million children would have been given up.
For instance, a woman carrying a fetus that will develop abnormalities should not be forced to abort that fetus directly or indirectly (e.g., by refusal to grant insurance coverage if the fetus is brought to term).
I do not find Russell E. Saltzman's essay «Two Boats, a Helicopter, and Stem Cells» (October 1999) entirely satisfying, although I have absolutely no quarrel with the argument developed for his own decision to oppose the use of aborted fetuses for stem cell research.
On the other hand, I find I can not make any argument that research on stem cells garnered from spontaneously aborted fetuses is intrinsically wrong.
Now I recognize that spontaneously aborted fetuses are not abundant enough to meet the needs of everyone who wants them for research or therapy, so I acknowledge that in authorizing research at all there is a danger of encouraging induced abortions.
I remember a woman at Yale saying, without any disagreement from those around her, that «The fetus isn't nothing, but I am for the mother's right to abort it.»
Indeed, as some «pro-lifers» notice, the aborted fetus could have turned out to be a genius, but this is not the same as actually being a genius.
The conflict between the mothers who choose not to abort a Down syndrome child and these who do is salient at the Web site «The Ragged Edge,» where the mother of such a child expresses her disgust with «A Heartbreaking Choice»: «In other words, their fetuses had no value as imperfect living beings.
Besides, don't the Religious nuts think that an aborted fetus goes to HEAVEN, anyway?If so, I don't see what's the problem then.
«I thought I was going to be just drawing blood, not procuring tissue from aborted fetuses,» O'Donnell said during an interview in the latest undercover video from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP).
2) blood type has nothing to do with how the child develops, outside the odd occurance of the RH factors being different and the mother's body (created by god according to you) attempts to abort the foriegn body (fetus) because it doesn't blend in with the mother's defence systems.
As for the soul of the aborted fetus, i believe you think you're smarter than our creator in this regard and that's why you ask the question, you're really not.
Moreover, I carefully pointed out that ethicists on this issue can basically be divided into two camps: those that view aborted fetuses as cadavers of a medical procedure and think that some good should come from abortions, and those that view aborted fetuses as victims of oppression, sin, and thoughtlessness, and therefore think that these victims should not be further exploited» especially under the guise of a «good cause.»
I find it interesting that so many of you (who I would guess are most likely in the liberal political camp) find this practice disgusting and unethical, but might not know that aborted fetuses» tissue is also used in cosmetics and shampoo and has been for a long time.
And to the pro-lifer who doesn't use cosmetics that contain aborted fetuses — if you've had any vaccinations, you probably have had aborted fetus INJECTED into you.
P.S. I would advise women to go to Crisis Pregnancy Centers if I were convinced they wouldn't be forced to watch color videos of aborted fetuses.
You're not going to go around collecting aborted fetuses for thousands of patients.»
Two fetuses died before birth from the treatment; in two others the cells — all from aborted fetuses — didn't engraft.
«There are many disorders we want to test for that don't involve a question of aborting the fetus, just providing the baby with what it needs right when it's born,» Quake says.
Many people said they would choose not to abort an affected fetus because they had high hopes of gene therapy.
The majority of nuclear transfers in animals don't take, or they produce fetuses that abort at high rates, or they deliver creatures misshapen and sick.
For example, the couple can not have «reasonable alternatives,» such as the option of selecting healthy embryos for in vitro fertilization (IVF) or using prenatal testing and aborting a fetus with the disease.
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