Sentences with phrase «n't accept the dogma»

I will not accept your DOGMA andf DOCTRINE, however.

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Obamas religion however is straight up christian and it won't really do much good to follow him around with a moving billboard that lists death tolls from christian persecution or other things about the dogma that people already know and either don't care or already accept.
Tenderness separated from the source of tenderness thus supports a «popular piety» that goes unexamined, a piety in which liberalism in its decline establishes dogmatic rights, rights that in an extreme» as presently in the arguments for abortion in the political sphere and for «popular culture» in the academic» become absolute dogma to be accepted and not examined.
Need to test beliefs — A conviction that dogmas, ideologies and traditions, whether religious, political or social, must be weighed and tested by each individual and not simply accepted by faith.
'' Once you remove man's dogmas and get back to the teachings of Jesus Christ» Which is one of man's dogmas... Men wrote the bible.You haven't removed anything, you have accepted one of man's dogmas as if it were truth.
Marx's critique of religion can not be accepted or refuted merely on the basis of religious dogmas, for the dogmas themselves are to be evaluated on the basis of the «truth of man» and not outside it.
If I appear ignorant to you perhaps it's because I don't blindly follow the theocratic dogma, or accept the creative translations and cultural contexts that particular preachers try to pass off as the only «true» way to interpret the Bible.
Reasons given by Unitarian Universalists there for leaving other churches were along the line of «couldn't believe dogma, but wanted community» (ex-Methodist), «could not accept Jesus myth» (nominal Episcopalian), «my wife and I could not reconcile the Christian theology with a rational approach to life» (nominal Presbyterian).
Churches and denominations, said Thurman, were established out of an ethos of exclusion: excluding those who do not believe specific dogma and excluding those who believe the accepted dogma but are of a particular socio - economic status or orientation.
are you not just blindly accepting dogma that's been honed over centuries as truth when, in fact, it's just people's ideas about things they don't understand?
They just can't quite seem to accept that it is their dogma itself that is the source of this problem.
Not only to ask questions, but to question values, accepted norms, and dogma.
To accept the Bible as the authority of the Christian faith, therefore, is not to accept merely some static dogma that lays the dead hand of the past on the fresh life of the present.
Scientists don't blindly accept dogma as fact.
just sayin: Prof. Dawkins (not high priest of atheism since it's a lack of belief, hence no dogmas, creed, etc) would probably accept that Jesus was myth if presented the case from those biblical authors.
This dogmatic intolerance becomes all the more difficult for non-Catholics when it is associated not only with distinctly religious dogma, but also with elements of natural law that are not accepted as divinely sanctioned moral demands by most non-Catholics.
It is based upon the same science practices that have led to the gasoline engine, modern medicine, nuclear power, computers, etc. b. Although people believe in some aspects of scientific ideas that are conjectural, the extent that those will be fully accepted will be based upon testing and observations, not faith or dogma.
There will be time enough to steer the heart of the party later but, for the moment, we must accept that our leftwards shift has failed and that we now urgently need to move forwards - because time is a luxury that those suffering under this government's dogma - driven policies of cuts and austerity simply can not afford.
The dogma had been that bacteria can't communicate, so it was hard to accept that they could talk using two molecules, and even more difficult to imagine they could talk across species.
«The fact that fetal stem cell transplantation has not been very successful has been puzzling, especially given the widely accepted dogma that the immature fetal immune system can adapt to tolerate foreign substances,» said co-senior author Qizhi Tang, PhD, an assistant professor of transplant surgery and director of the UCSF Transplantation Research Lab.
You yourself are so close - minded that you won't accept the information being presented to you here because of your own inflated ego and personal paleo dogma.
Zoch shows that progressive dogmas about natural learning are clearly in conflict with the Jamesian philosophy of effort and insists that parents and teachers teach «the will to succeed» by setting clear expectations and demanding effort, not accepting laziness.
At this time, Dogma is not accepting adult pit bulls.
Exploring the juncture of Church dogma and human sexuality, Blondel seeks to have the viewer reconsider not only the contradictory practices of Catholicism, but the accepted traditions of any organization that has become entrenched in its own beliefs.
Once you accept the CAGW dogma that temperature change can be predicted by the change in a single predominant factor CO2 (actually the difference in the logarithms of CO2) then whether you use Hanson's model of Monckton's model, if you assume that CO2 is well - mixed (which we now know it isn't) then the change in temperature does not depend on where you measure it.
This isn't dogma... people are just not satisfied with the answer that we do know some things, we do have sufficient evidence of a signal even in the face of uncertainty, and people still can't accept that natural variability happens and can contaminate a signal on short timescales.
When I read a paper I want to know for sure that it was accepted because of its scientific merit, not because its results adhered to dogma.
If you can't accept challenges to The Science, a priori — however well or poorly conceived those challenges are — it's not unfair to wonder if The Science is in fact merely dogma, and you a zealot.
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