Sentences with phrase «n't achieve optimal health»

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We are the standard in this respect, and successful breastfeeding is a high priority for achieving optimal outcomes for mom and baby, not only for their health, but also their relationship.
In other words: Gut health is all - important, and it's hard — if not impossible — to achieve truly optimal health without a healthy gut.
You can't expect to fuel your body and achieve optimal health by eating food, laced with toxic chemicals, that your body doesn't recognize.
Reducing the intake of meat in my diet wasn't an ethical choice, but a natural progression towards achieving my own optimal health.
So the plants that our food stock eats, as well as the plants that we eat, simply do not have the nutritive value that they once did and so in order for us to achieve the optimal health levels of our forebears we must supplement.
The Five Stones Healing Arts and Wellness Center, the programs produced by our not - for - profit Five Stones Institute and the clinical care provided by the Five Stones Integrative Functional Medicine Center are all organized around the underlying philosophy that optimal health is achieved by being in balance: in body, mind and spirit.
Optimal brain health is not something you achieve overnight.
The reason the federal government doesn't recommend everyone shoot for under 100 is that despite the lower risk accompanying more optimal cholesterol levels, the intensity of clinical intervention required to achieve such levels for everyone in the population would «financially overload the health care system.
Whereas, conventional doctors most often match up a medication to a symptom, Functional practitioners will try to figure out what the root of the problem is and they believe in working with their patients to achieve optimal health, makes sense to me... isn't this the way it should be!?
Now we equate the word «diet» with a list of do's and don'ts in order to achieve weight loss, health or an optimal, fuel - efficient, fat - burning state for our bodies.
It's not meant to replace all your meals (you still need to eat a balanced diet to achieve optimal health and weight loss), but it curbs hunger without adding lots of calories, which makes you more likely to eat responsibly at other meals.
Keith Norris explains why achieving peak performance should not be at the expense of optimal health.
All that said, achieving optimal fat loss / better health may not be as simple as «control insulin by going low carb.»
Dr. Ney treats the whole person - not just the disease - and provides the tools needed for the body to achieve long - term optimal health.
However, it's likely that you're not breathing deeply enough to reduce stress in your life and achieve optimal health.
Exercise and healthy eating really do go hand - in - hand in my opinion and I don't think that we will ever be able to achieve optimal health without movement.
EnergyFirst is a company founded on a passion for helping others achieve optimal health and energy — not just for 6 weeks or for 6 months, but for life!
Remember, while health quite often correlates with a reasonably slim body (with a reasonably low body fat), we're not trying to achieve slimness (or a low body fat) but rather optimal health and optimal function.
Although I love both of these healthy drinks, please remember that there isn't one magic bullet to achieve optimal health.
I just hadn't seen «Ok, a real food diet with good starches seems to be optimal for long - term health, but is it the way to go in order to achieve substantial weight loss?»
It's a fact that you can't get all the nutrients you need to achieve optimal health from food.
Not all Nutrition experts agree on how to achieve optimal health — and my way isn't the only way — so I encourage you to experiment with the diet and supplement protocol that works best for your unique body!
Men's health may not seem as complicated as female health, due to the fact that there are fewer hormones involved, but to achieve optimal health, men should aim to support all aspects of their health in ways that are safe, effective, present few risks and improve quality of life.
Like vitamin D, vitamin K intake at the RDA is adequate for basic needs but may not be sufficient for optimal levels for health, which may require a dosage still within the safe range but higher than what can be achieved with food.
Many times women exercise to get to a particular dress size, but obviously not everyone is going to be a size 2 or 4 or 6, so for women in general how would they go about determining what's optimal for them in terms of a goal weight and how can they find out just how long and often of a workout they'll need to achieve optimal fitness health and that dress size perfect for them?
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