Sentences with phrase «n't age past»

And all of these things are happening today, not the ages past.

Not exact matches

The showcase was intended to get fickle programmers onside as RIM tries to recover from numerous blunders over the past year, including flagging sales, a woefully underdeveloped apps store and criticism that it hasn't released a new smartphone in ages.
The late Steve Sabol, who died this week at the age of 69, not only affected those who knew him personally but most anyone who's been watching football over the past several decades.
To reduce Social Security's projected funding shortfall, the commission would increase the taxable wage base by 2050 to include 90 percent of earnings, to increase the full - and early - retirement ages to 69 and 64 respectively by 2075, to cover newly hired state and local workers after 2020, and to create a hardship exemption allowing those who can not work past age 62 to receive benefits early.
My mother drummed into me from an early age that I should not spend much time regretting the past.
As part of the 2013 - 14 survey, 47,764 Canadians between the ages of 15 and 49 were asked about their sexual activity - whether or not they have ever had sex, and if they have had sex in the past year.
He is also a past winner of Canada's «Top 40 Under 40,» a program that celebrates Canadians who have reach significant success before the age of 40 in the private, public and not - for - profit sectors.
Sixty five percent of baby boomer workers plan to work past age 65 or do not plan to retire.
Galvano, a supporter of the NRA's legislative priorities in the past, said Thursday that the group's opposition to raising the minimum age for purchases of semiautomatic rifles was not a major issue.
More than half of American baby boomers (born from 1946 - 1964) plan to work past age 65 or not retire at all, according to a report by the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies.
This is not unlike the dilemma facing many retirees and other individual investors: holding ultra-safe interest - bearing investments is wise past a certain age; yet when yields are lower than the inflation rate, this strategy erodes buying power and undermines long - term financial security.
Doing so will give you an opportunity to not only save more money, but boost your Social Security benefits by delaying your filing past full retirement age.
And back then, living to age 75 would have been a long time, especially since most people didn't make it past age 40.
They note past ages that have been equally warm or warmer without human influence, to say nothing of repeating patterns of climate change like ice ages (though I've met one of James Hansen's computer modelers who told me with sincere conviction that there would not be another ice age).
The point of non-observable past and trying to determine the age of something is that the methods once thought to be trustworthy and accurate are not as accurate as once thought.
Don't you think that it is time to grow up past the bigotry, ignorance, intolerance and hate of the middle ages?
... You think man through ages past was not equally intelligent?
I have addressed in the past the situation concerning babies and children who haven't reached the age of accountability.
heres a holiday that has maintained its meaning thru - out the ages, why... the JEWISH have reverence for the past, its lessons and people that taught them, the events that shaped the jewish culture... most of the rest have nothing worth remembering besides there past and since thats not held with any amount of importance the future looks bleek at best... we are what we are because of yesterday, and tomorrow doesn't exist if today becomes our deathbed!
Haven't you seen kids have tons of fun with Santa even past the age when they are 100 % convinced he is real?
This is from an excerpt of literature from one program: «Anyone may join us, regardless of age, race, sexual identity, creed, religion, or lack of religion.We are not interested in what or how much you used or who your connections were, what you have done in the past, how much or how little you have, but only in what you want to do about your problem and how we can help.
If one wants to create a people as numerous as the sand or the stars, one does not begin with Sarah, a barren woman well past child - bearing age, and Abraham, an old man whom God had commanded to scar his genitalia.
And the technology we have today is one way to spread it, which it couldn't been done in ages of the past.
He did not know whether any allowance was made for the age of the accused nor «whether pardon is given to those who repent» nor «whether punishment attaches to the mere name apart from secret crimes, or to the secret crimes connected with the name».3 In reply, Trajan wrote that Christians «are not to be sought out, but if they are accused and convicted, they must be punished — yet on this condition, that whoso denies himself to be a Christian, and makes the fact plain by his action, that is by worshipping our gods, shall obtain pardon on his repentance, however suspicious his past conduct may be».4 The Emperor Hadrian (76 - 138; ruled 117 - 138) made clear that slanderous accusations against Christians were unacceptable and that it had to be proved that they had acted contrary to the laws.
It must be soberly realized that no human enactment, whether old or new, has advantages only and no disadvantages; that the old days were good only for those who enjoyed the benefits of them, but not for all without distinction and that for the most part they only begin to look splendid when they are past and gone; that even the new age will produce tribulation, inadequacies and defects, and that the reform of the Church is never at an end.
The significance of the sacrifices was to see our sinfulness and turn our hearts back to God and that is made clear with the death of Christ.The animals though could not remove our sin that was only possible through Christ as God he could remove sin in the past present and future as he is outside of time and space not like us.So there sins in effect were covered by Jesus as well in the old testament as in the new by Gods we just did nt see it.The example of abraham able enoch they all were righteous they were justified before God.Enoch walked with God and was no more that sounds like the rapture to me so the holy spirit was present in that age just like us.We see that God has always been at work to bring life and to bring mankind to salvation.
The Church is most faithful to its tradition, and realises its unity with the Church of every age, when, linked but not tied by its past, it today searches the Scriptures and orientates its life by them as though this had to happen to - day for the first time.
Their shared feeling was that even though they were aging and past their prime,» there was no reason why they shouldn't take good care of themselves.
Remember the Dark Age's religions rule in that dark, distant past didn't serve our ancestors well it certainly won't serve us any better today!
Don't you think it's time you moved past primitive voodoo and into the age of science and reason?
step up and be proud of your own accomplishments and not give credit to all the stone age gods who we believed in the past..
years pass and in so many millions of years pass the bible does not say just how many years past but it was the first earth age when Lucifer rebelled against God and took 1/3 of the children of God with him.
It is not that the theses of traditional theology regarding Adam's elevation to grace, his Paradise, his knowledge and so on, are to be unmasked and diagnosed as at the most anthropomorphisms or dreams of a golden age in which mankind expressed in vivid form a longed - for future rather than a past that had once existed and was lost?
«The theology of every age must be sufficiently strong and free to hear, calmly, attentively, and openly, not only the voices of the Church Fathers, not only the voices of its favorites, not only the voices of classical antiquity, but all the voices of the past in its entirety.
Oh, the desolation of old age, if to be an old man means this: means that at any given moment a living person could look at life as if he himself did not exist, as if life were merely a past event that held no more present tasks for him as a living person, as if he, as a living person, and life were cut off from each other within life, so that life was past and gone, and he had become a stranger to it.
We accept without special difficulty the idea that the Church was the visible efficacious sign of salvation for past ages anterior to Christ and the Church, when salvation had not yet appeared ecclesiastically although it was salvation from the Church.
Age of Anger: A History of the Presentby pankaj mishrafarrar, straus and giroux, 320 pages, $ 26 Despite the subtitle of his book, Pankaj Mishra is not interested in understanding the past or the present.
’25 For resurrection is not something less than the traditional view has made it out to be, but something greater, something that can be expressed in quite a variety of ways, something that has had a meaning for men in very different ages in the past, and can continue to have a meaning for men today and in the future.
The real purpose of myth (e.g. the creation stories) is not to give an account of what actually happened in the past, or what may happen in the future (e.g. another ice age), but to convey a particular understanding of human life.
Christian parents may be more understanding of the life - style of their children if they realize that the world in which their children have come of age requires their children to make decisions about sexual behavior that were not even issues in the past.
Not only are more of them living longer, they are healthier and they look and feel younger than people their age did in the past.
If it were then those couples with no intention of child bearing, those who can not have children for medical reasons, and any couple past the age of bearing children would be barred from marriage.
I can not speak for or against «Christian» adulturers for I have it in me to speak against the fruits of sodomy who have once defiled me in ages past!
We are not advocates for a simpler past age; we are not the voices of nostalgia.
I would argue that believing in invisible supernatural beings (such as god, zeus, jc, etc.) is not normal, at least not past the age of 12 or so, but for some reason, unfathomable to me, religion gets a free pass.
If the latter, does not this involve the resurrection of the dead of ages past?
@JustSayin55, First, Carbon 14 dating is not used past 50k - 100k years, so it is not relevant to the age of the Earth.
So what if God just hasn't been by here in long ages of humans like the humans in the story had not been past that anthill?
Michael — I appreciate your sincerity, and won't dispute that there may be some accuracy contained in Genesis, but I can't get past the obvious inaccuracies one will read as well; e.g. all decedents from a single breeding pair (a.k.a. Adam and Eve), the extreme ages listed of 700 to 900 years old, just to list two.
The past in «simple» Christian history is not Eden but early Christianity; in the Republican version, not current times but antiquity or the age of the national founders.
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