Sentences with phrase «n't calm»

Even changing Mia's last name to «Nutter» (I can't think why I chose that) didn't calm them down.
Her little sister became so hysterically petrified by the thought of a large man in a red suit sneaking around the house (even the suggestion he'd just leave the presents on the front doorstep didn't calm her) that her parents had to break the news to the whole family that he wasn't real.
But it isn't a calm and restful place to be in it's messy state.
If your child is misdiagnosed for a mental illness and taking the wrong meds, his brain isn't calm.
If your child has a mental illness that's not recognized, his brain isn't calm.
There is a tension building up inside which just doesn't calm down and taking mock interview services helps in preparing one for their interview and get a feel of the real situation much before it happens.
Readers aren't stupid; they know that legislative debates usually aren't calm.
The video above doesn't calm any fears.
Joe can't calm himself down after having just got back from seeing the latest build of Bethesda's Fallout 3 with Pete Hines.
If he can't calm, remove him and try again later — preferably, after he's had
Otherwise, your puppy will learn that if he struggles or throws a tantrum, he needn't calm down and be handled because the owner gives in.
After an hour and a half she did, but I now see that it wasn't calm and relaxed, it was her being exhausted from the anxiety of being confined.
Whatever the reason, now you're in the position to understand hyperactive dogs and how to deal with your pooch who just won't calm down.
When it is brutally hot in the middle of the afternoon, and your dog just can't calm down, hop in the car for an indoor adventure.
If it doesn't calm down it stays in the crate when I don't have time for it.
While it takes away the ability to move (most of the time) doesn't calm the fears, in effect making them much worse over... MORE time.
If you observe that Fido sighs and groans frequently even when he isn't calm and relaxing, it could mean that he is in pain and needs medical attention.
I can't calm for wait... this....!!
We won't criticize you if you can't calm down, pull yourself together, and complete your work on time.
It doesn't calm down until after the end credits have started.
The other two are just busy - bodies who can't calm down enough to sleep.
Whether it be because I couldn't calm Lilly down for whatever reason or if because she had her first real big boo - boo and I felt AWFUL because it was kinda my fault (she's fine...), or because she was refusing to nurse, or she was doing this or that.
Lilly has been a bit fussy the past few days (growth spurt, etc.)... and so what do I do when she's crying and I'm losing my sanity because I can't calm her down?
I had a hard time getting good pics of her because she wouldn't calm down out of excitement!
She slept a little bit at the airport, but was still tired — so during take - off she was crying and we couldn't calm her down — nothing worked!
I tried meditating and a variety of other mindfulness techniques, biofeedback methods like HeartMath, binaural beats, Alpha - Stim Technology and kundalini yoga movements to alleviate my insomnia and anxiety symptoms, but my brain couldn't calm itself enough for these techniques to take hold.
When estrogen is too high and progesterone too low, it can cause sleep problems for the obvious reason — there is too much of the excitatory estrogen compared to the calming progesterone and the brain can't calm down enough to rest.
«You can't calm the storm so stop trying.
McGarvey's medication usually helps her sleep at night, but when her RLS is at its peak, even a pill can't calm her legs.
That change didn't calm the waters, however.
But if knowing that struggling is normal doesn't calm your anxieties, or if the high points of research haven't outweighed the failures and rejections, reflecting on the value of the Ph.D. for your career and life goals can help you critically evaluate whether pursuing a doctorate is time well spent, career counselors say.
The good news from lawmakers didn't calm worries among the more than 100 bus riders and community leaders at a public hearing this afternoon.
At one point, things got so heated that Finance Committee Chairman Carl Kruger, who, like Parker, is a Brooklyn Democrat, told Parker he would have to be removed from the room if he didn't calm down.
If your baby doesn't calm down, no harm is done.
If the babies don't calm down, go get them and try to soothe them, feed them, change them... and if they still cry, back down they go.
When my husband couldn't calm her, only I could.
All you've got is nursing, and if that doesn't calm the baby down, you're out of tricks.
So don't calm your child down every time he's upset.
I couldn't calm my heart rate all morning as I went through the motions of homeschooling and play time, nursing my baby, and preparing lunch.
Parents sometimes blame themselves and feel incompetent when they can't calm their crying baby.If you know that your baby's needs have been met, it's time to care for yourself so you don't become too stressed.
It's like she knows a nap is coming, and she doesn't want to nap, so she gets herself worked up by screaming and can't calm down until I nurse her, even if she's not hungry.
Try your best to stay calm — when we aren't calm, we can't transmit any calming influence.
They might cry, fidget and couldn't calm down but afterward, kids will just have forgotten what the dream is all about.
But this still didn't calm my fears.
I was the most proud on day 3 when he was upset and wouldn't calm with playing or anything else.
I «told» him (first PD mess up) if you can't calm down and get control of your body, I will delete your movie and you won't watch any TV in the morning.
You can offer a hug, then redirect to another activity if he doesn't calm after a few minutes.
If your child isn't calm enough to be inverted, do «lines,» or «squeezes,» and is frantic, as long as he or she doesn't feel trapped, you can try lifting him onto a bed or couch, to lie with him until calm.
This is precisely why the distress makes it hard for them to nurse, and why they often seem to want to nurse, but can't calm down enough or coordinate their mouths and bodies to latch on and suck.
The swaddler comforts and soothes her during naps when I can't hold her, and all mothers know that if your baby isn't calm and well rested, then you won't be either.
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