Sentences with phrase «n't change upon»

Things didn't change upon returning to their home in the United States.
As they say, «Even though the inside of baby bags mostly hold baby's things, we know that the outside is really for mom — the woman whose desire for fashion doesn't change upon entering motherhood.

Not exact matches

The New Year is upon us and is a perfect excuse for reflection on what's working, what's not, and what needs to change.
After the Mt. Gox bankruptcy trustee announced that under Japan's bankruptcy code, creditors were not entitled to Bitcoin's massive price appreciation in their claims, Richard Folsom took it upon himself to change that.
They should remain something that complements your existing strategy or indeed allows growth, but you should not be reliant upon them as they have the power to change the very rules you live by... They could increase commission or block sellers in your category and even undercut you on your best - selling product.
That doesn't mean you have to go out and change who owns your company as you embark upon reaching diverse customer groups.
She said she doesn't want any groups of students or young workers unintentionally left behind by whatever changes the Liberals ultimately decide upon, but suggested that future changes would look to target vulnerable populations like indigenous youth and new immigrants, who have a harder time accessing the job market.
But even though technology may not destroy jobs in aggregate, it does force change upon many people.
In addition, if an option or stock appreciation right is not assumed or substituted in the event of a change in control, the Administrator will notify the participant in writing that the option or stock appreciation right will be fully vested and exercisable for a period of time determined by the Administrator in its sole discretion, and the option or stock appreciation right will terminate upon the expiration of such period.
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission embarked upon a similar exercise in 2010, but it has not resulted in any changes to date.
We do not have any contracts or other arrangements with our NEOs that provide for payments or other benefits upon a change in control of our company.
Vesting does not accelerate as a result of termination of employment or upon a change in control (unless the acquiring company does not assume the awards).
In addition, if an Option or Stock Appreciation Right is not assumed or substituted in the event of a Change in Control, the Administrator will notify the Participant in writing or electronically that the Option or Stock Appreciation Right will be exercisable for a period of time determined by the Administrator in its sole discretion, and the Option or Stock Appreciation Right will terminate upon the expiration of such period.
That meeting, however, did not go happily as the premier is accusing the PM of changing the rules unilaterally regarding their agreed - upon compensation for fish processing losses under the EU trade agreement in such a way that the province will never see those funds.
As markets change continuously, previously published information and data may not be current and should not be relied upon.
The thoughts expressed herein are current as of the posting date, are based upon sources believed to be reliable, are subject to change at any time and should not be construed as advice.
No, Darwin's evolution by natural selection was most certainly not based upon merely seeing some bacteria change in a petri dish, and leaping directly to humans and apes having common ancestors.
I think information is an illusion that can parallel physical processes yet does not partake nor change them but is dependent upon the relative viewpoint and interpretation of information itself by whoever is doing the talking.
In order to reach agreement both must look to a higher authority that they agree upon otherwise they will not change their view.
And while it's an overstatement to narrate conversion in terms of a change in nature — Abram's becoming Abraham doesn't imperil the integrity of his human nature; nor still Sarai's becoming Sarah, or Jacob's Israel, Saul's Paul, and so ever on — equally slippery is gross understatement, or intimating that nothing of metaphysical interest happens upon conversion.
«churches like that», being predicated upon the fraudulent activity as they seem to be, could be «banned» but that would not really change much of anything... other than repackaging the criminal activity under a loosely - defined label... meh.
The fact that a few engaged in extreme bullying within the group (I was repeatedly bullied by one of the ring leaders over at Stollar's blog) who then upon not getting their way turned to lies in order to attack David, should not compel him to change anything about his group.
Bandwagon «wave - of - the - future» theology has proven to be a very hazardous occupation in an era of accelerating change, especially when the continuities of history are not as evident as its discontinuities, and when the media focus the public eye upon society's distortions rather than its solidities?
The teachings of Christ that have been hung upon this framework and that have found in it a serviceable explanatory tool can not in themselves change.
Shouldn't we encourage them to expand upon knowledge of those that came before them instead of haphazardly agreeing with some book that hasn't changed in hundreds of years??
Upon reflection, I can not claim that any major changes on the issues of religion, God or Christ have occurred for me over the past ten years.
The religious tend not to see their faith as changing, but ever more sharply focusing upon the actual truth.
Yet, both became the making of changes in the institutional structure was not his chief concern and because his human vista was limited by the conditions of a simple peasant society east of the Mediterranean in the first century A.D., he obviously could not foresee or make pronouncements upon the vast complex of particular problems that confront Christians in today's world.
A crucial question for the Roman Catholic community today, for example, is whether or not it can respond creatively to the challenge of individual voices as diverse as those of Hans Küng and Daniel Berrigan, and adapt its communal life to the demands for change that they place upon it.
Just don't impose those beliefs upon those of us who want change
The TORAH was not given to gentiles and you do not understand it, and in your hubrus, you changed the ordinances of the MOST HIGH and released the cuse upon the whole earth.
For example, many people treat the possibility of rehabilitation behind prison walls with the same skeptical indifference that even devout Catholics now bestow upon purgatory: We can't even fathom how moral change happens, if at all, in either place, so we leave its remote possibility up to God.
Perception for Aristotle does involve being acted upon physically and being changed by natural agents, but sensing is not explained by these bodily transformations alone.
While the divine character and nature do not change, the ways in which these are brought to bear upon the creation must change if God indeed is influenced and affected by what has taken place in the world.
As to Jesus of Nazareth, my Opinion of whom you particularly desire, I think the system of Morals and His Religion, as he left them to us, the best the world ever saw, or is likely to see; but I apprehend it has received various corrupting Changes, and I have, with most of the present Dissenters in England, some doubt as to his Divinity; tho» it is a question I need not dogmatize upon, having never studied it, and think it needless to busy myself with it now, when I expect soon an Opportunity of knowing the Truth with less Trouble.
Again, I personally believe that public policy regarding induced abortions ought to change — but not because of what I believe but rather because the objective merits of purely rational arguments have prevailed upon a majority of public policy makers.
Not only did God humble Himself by sending His Son to earth, but He included the lowly, despised and looked down - upon to be a part of the special day that would forever change history.
I did indeed support the change of the policy in the end because upon reflection, I came to the conclusion that the seminary is an academic institution and not a denomination.
'' - If someone upon investigation of the two sides of the issue determines that they do nt personally believe one or both was part of the original text, removing them does not change Christian doctrine one iota.»
He has not the task of changing the Good into a thing of the moment, into something that shall be voted upon in a noisy gathering, or something that swiftly gains some disciples who also will the Good up to a certain degree.
Why should it be considered more divine for God merely to act upon the world and not also to be acted upon by the world, or to be changeless and not also changing, or to have the world depend upon him and not also depend upon the world?
These five years have witnessed some remarkable changes that can not help but have a marked impact upon the continuity of the conversation.
We believed that we did not change; but now, like newborn infants whose eyes are opening to the light, we are becoming aware of a world in which neo-Time, organizing and conferring a dynamic upon Space, is endowing the totality of our knowledge and beliefs with a new structure and a new direction.
(John 14:16 - 24) So radical a change was involved in this Hellenized version of the Messiah's coming that the Jewish objection to it is put upon the lips of «Judas (not Iscariot)» who marveled, we are told, at a second coming so inward and spiritual that it would not be dramatically obvious to the whole world.
As the demographic cotinues to change and these people die off, the conservative far right will be either irrelevant or forced to embrace those true Christian ideals of loving and accepting their neighbors in a country not founded upon Christian beliefs but tolerance for all faiths.
As we have seen, physical acting must be fundamentally a relating, and relating can not be understood in terms of mere «impact,» for this can result at most in only change of place — and indeed, as was clear to thinkers like Descartes, Newton, Leibniz and Kant, on the conception of the physical as in itself passive «matter,» even change of place could not occur upon mere impact, there being necessary also an «act» setting the impacted body into motion.
That repudiation, however, need not be the final word on the turmoil of the 1960s, a time when change was not, in fact, slow, and did not come with «deliberate speed» but was harshly thrust upon us.
Any measuring device which was adjusted so as to gather information about the macroscopic changes which follow upon decision would not be able to register information about parameters which distinguish one sort of fluctuation (Irish) from the other sort of fluctuation (Ivory Coastian).
The author's byline should be changed to, «Stephen Prothero, a Boston University religion scholar, but not a man of faith, relies solely upon his intellect and sarcasm to elevate himself to his own position of arrogant deity, guaranteeing that anyone and everyone promoting the «Anyone Who Prays is a Lunatic» platform will laud him as brilliant.»
Even if true, this theological reality does not change the demographic fact that millions upon millions of Americans are Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims and non-believers.
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