Sentences with phrase «n't clamoring»

Both Janet Howell of Brookfield Homes, Vienna, Va., and Tom Tylutki, Kimball Hill Homes, Rolling Meadows, Ill., say people — even in the high - tech areas where they build — aren't clamoring for the whistles and bells and fancy gadgetry that's available.
We did hear some hopes in the comments that Razer might come to the party with a gaming tablet, following their well - reviewed Razer Phone, but the market just isn't clamoring for this kind of high - performance tablets at all.
Nowadays, in an age of rising population and scarcities of food and water in some regions, it's a wonder that humanitarians aren't clamoring for more atmospheric carbon dioxide.
With oil prices low, companies aren't clamoring for more places to drill.
Long time fans aren't clamoring for Disney Star Wars.
Casual digital readers aren't clamoring for day and date releases.
This is a subtle in - betweener; simply put, the average luxury / performance buyer isn't clamoring for a car like it.
We're supposed to feel sorry for those who have led a relatively loveless, unhappy life, and while we certainly aren't clamoring for anyone to die, per se, we also aren't terribly concerned with a happy outcome for any of them.
That said, though, if critics aren't clamoring for comedies like The Big Sick or low - budget fare like The Florida Project, then The Shape of Water's nominations sweep might indicate precisely where their collective decisions will ultimately lean.
So, having arrived at the one dietary fountain of youth, what's the # 1 reason people aren't clamoring for them?
But she never clamored to join the soccer team, and I certainly wasn't clamoring to drive her to practice twice a week and games on the weekend.
If my husband wasn't clamoring for tiramisu on Valentine's I'd be doing these instead!
If the Palestinians are so desperate why aren't they clamoring for peace?
I don't think you are generally disgusted with all churches — in fact, through Lasting Supper you are again running your own sort of Church with doubters and not those clamoring for certainty.
We must await history's judgment and not the clamor of the crowd.
Also Ozil has probably come to the conclusion that clubs other than Arsenal are not clamoring for his signature and certainly not offering the wages Arsenal are!
Indian Bengalis, whether Hindu or Muslim, are not clamoring to join Bangladesh.
It's interesting when we talk to our customers about these services, but they're not clamoring for it.
Not clamoring for a sequel but I'll watch when it is made.
I must admit that a majority of my teaching days are a stark contrast to my days as the reigning Miss Georgia — parents and students are not clamoring for my autograph!
But as 24Symbols and even Amazon have found out, readers are not clamoring to tolerate ads in their reading spaces, even for a bargain.
I can't believe every Career Directors member is not clamoring to grab a chance to do this.
A neglected spouse might not clamor for your attention as aggressively as a pet, but they need the dose of love just as much.
At the same time, he says, if you put too much emphasis on the difficulties of running a business and the stresses that come with it, your sons and daughters might not clamor to be first in line to take over.

Not exact matches

Many users complain that devices amplify well enough but don't adequately help the ear distinguish, say, a human voice from the clamor of a restaurant.
Like an NBA owner clamoring for the next LeBron James or an investor searching for the next Amazon, the wish is obvious — but fulfilling it isn't so easy.
While many entrepreneurs are clamoring to get their hands on some outside funding, some founders aren't really down with that strategy.
It's not going to be obvious which of the many ideas clamoring for attention is «the one.»
If they do, the victory will be shallow and transient because corporate information is not only important to the investors who are clamoring for it now but also to corporations who depend on investor capital and employees who depend on jobs.
He wasn't thinking about the current political clamor over low wages or the growing gap between rich and poor, he said.
For all the clamoring about gun stocks in retirement plans, ordinary investors don't seem to vote with their portfolios.
Sales people are always clamoring for «more business leads,» but they often make the mistake of not stopping to ask, «Are we making the best use of our current sales leads?»
The idiotic clamoring of the unrighteous revelers in atheistic cynicisms are tyrannical perverts of predispositions posting their crap to make follies of those religious fruit loops who can't even rightly divide the word of truth into being parables and fiction and historical!
Patrick Brennan wrote that he didn't think there was a large audience out there clamoring for that kind of conservative news outlet.
He was in my church today... but I couldn't get that needed hug because of the clamoring, noisy throng.
Why aren't these private individuals clamoring for rental space elsewhere?
The international, uproarious, ferocious clamor for a reboot to the 2002 Scooby - Doo film based on the early»70s TV show has finally reached a fever pitch, and Hollywood can't ignore...
If we do not stop this idiot clamor about private healthcare as being the best in the world and put in place a government supervised universal health care system, the US will crumble and decay within the next 50 years.
History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people!
Even those who have not yet come to trust in him and love him will this Christmas hear the clamor at the stable and will in their heart of hearts long for the truth of that which they can not yet believe.
It's probable, though, that I Can Only Imagine dominated the faith - based audience's attention, and there probably wasn't anybody out there clamoring for the God's Not Dead series to continue anyway.
It is not so common as those undertakings about which the crowd shouts and clamors, for each participant is in reality alone with himself, but yet in the highest and most inclusive sense, edification is a common human concern.
Or if you were witness to that lovable young man's beautiful enthusiasm when he read and heard of the great men who fought with a heavy destiny and suffered badly in the world, the glorious ones whom earth renounced because it was not worthy of them, would you dare, when no clamor caused your speech to wander but when the stillness of intimacy, of the lovable one's confidence, the in experience of the young man, all obliged you to tell the truth; at such a time would you dare lay your hand on your heart and say, «Such things no longer happen.
A bunch of folks — at least 5,000, but probably more like 15,000, because the original count didn't include women and children (sorry about that, Amy)-- were clamoring to hear Jesus speak, heal and generally just be Jesus - y.
If it weren't for the demographic issue, nobody would be clamoring for entitlement reform.
But of course, the second we start talking about Atheists being ignorant tyrants the Atheist Peanut Gallery will begin to clamor: «no, Mao was a Christian, he wasn't an atheist.
Reluctantly, Royce joined the chorus of voices clamoring for American intervention in the war, but added, «Unless the enemies of mankind are duly rebuked by the results of this war, I for one, do not wish to survive the crisis.»
People who today clamor for «identity» are not looking for numerical sameness but for a mixture of qualitative uniqueness, and qualitative overlapping in relation to other persons and the world generally.
... when these dangers have reached their height and there is no possibility of flight, do we not realize how great a gathering there usually is in the church of both sexes and of every age, some clamoring for baptism, others for reconciliation, still others for acts of penance: all of them seeking consolation and the administration and distribution of the sacraments?
So many clamor for the famed pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks, of which I will admit, am not a fan.
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