Sentences with phrase «n't come up with any solutions»

The group recognized that there was a problem, but after four to five lunch meetings couldn't come up with a solution, Luria says.
If they don't come up with a solution, the IMF could end up leaving the bailout program in which case there is a real risk that Germany, and more recently the Netherlands, has said that they wouldn't participate without the participation of the IMF.
This is setting up to be a frantic race for the final five playoff spots in the West, and Minnesota could find itself on the outside looking in if it doesn't come up with a solution to its struggles on the road.
And let's face it, its a Democratic problem and they're the ones dragging their feet and not coming up with the solutions.
I haven't come up with any solutions for my situation at this acute and timely stage... besides cortisol and thyroid meds.
It's one thing to say you aren't happy with the way things are going, but if you aren't coming up with solutions, you'll likely both end up frustrated.
Even education expenditures will be automatically cut this coming March if Democrats do not come up with a solution.
«In California, when legislators can't come up with a solution, it ends up going on the ballot,» says Bonilla, who worries about lawmakers abdicating their responsibilities, and the electorate voting on issues they're not well informed about.
«Yet, whilst the Tory government continues to deny there is a problem, they can't come up with a solution... this means growing numbers of pupils are not getting the education they deserve,» said Ms Powell.
If your church and don't come up with any solutions, don't forget about the power of Google.
The bills have to be paid, but if you don't come up with a solution to end the paycheck to paycheck cycle, you will struggle for the rest of your life.
«At least they're not going to go out tomorrow and start shooting cats, but they haven't come up with a solution yet.
The fact is that regs & Kyoto are ultimately great for business — it gets them to think outside the box, & more often than not come up with solutions that are even better than their earlier business - as - usual.
But can't we come up with solutions that will assuage these concerns?
Why don't you give us a call when you have a chance so that we can learn more about your situation and see if we can't come up with a solution.
If I had re-designed the kitchen too soon, I might have not come up with the solution that would have been best for us.

Not exact matches

Prone to laziness, I know I often attempt a few solutions, throw my hands up, and choose something far too complicated because I don't have the patience or energy to come up with something else.
As often as not, the biggest hurdle isn't even coming up with an elegant and cost - effective solution; it's getting people to accept the prospect of change and to adopt your answer to the problem.
I won't reveal yet who my favorites are, but I will say that these young scientist - founders came up with very creative solutions for preventing infections in some common surgeries, tackling resistance in targeted antibody drugs, improving gene vectors for cell therapies, helping the vision - impaired «see» faces and better read their environments, imaging hard - to - see spots in the lungs and other organs, improving genetic risk analysis, and expediting the logistical operations of hospitals.
Considering that a researcher might find a vulnerability in a tool in 2018 and not report it, it's imperative for the small business owner to take a step further in protecting themselves, even if it means working with other business in order to come up with an affordable solution.
I bet that someday I'll come across a big customer problem that's not being solved or well served by the industry, come up with an innovative solution, and start my own company.
If you aren't the owner or haven't been tasked by management to come up with some new marketing solutions, now's the time to take all you've learned, compile it into a robust pitch and get the buy - in you need.
They don't earn any power due to their title, rather it's their ability to hand out good advice or come up with solutions based on their deep organizational knowledge that gives them considerable sway.
However, innovation isn't just for creative people or leaders — it's for anyone who's willing to work hard and come up with effective solutions and improvements.
They couldn't even see what they were missing much less come up with a solution.
«Our goal,» says Henderson, «is to put this technology in the hands of folks to come up with new solutions to problems we don't even know about.»
Don't complain; come up with solutions.
What other solutions haven't been come up with before?»»
As the boss, you're not expected to come up with solutions to every issue addressed during the review, but you should offer support, guidance, and advice to the employee as they work toward self - improvement.
«We've pulled out [of YouTube] until we can be 100 % certain that our advertising won't be next to hate or fake news, but we are pretty certain they are going to come up with a solution,» Susan Canavari, Chief Brand Officer of JPMorgan Chase, told Business Insider at the Cannes Lions festival.
We've pulled out until we can be 100 % certain that our advertising won't be next to hate or fake news but we are pretty certain they are going to come up with a solution.
Scobell said, adding that the White House has not come up with «an effective solution» to the South China Sea dispute.
It's just because the world of work is so gendered masculine that I think the only solution people can come up with is to cloister and I don't think that's the right solution.
Teams come together and discuss their goals or projects but don't come up with concrete solutions or plans.
The one solution I've found to coming up with more investment ideas is to look at all our missed opportunities and learn why we didn't pull the trigger.
Still, coming up with a solution that would make all stakeholders satisfied won't be easy, particularly since the circumstances around the Otto acquisition itself are in question.
This gives you and the lenders the ability to come up with alternative solutions in case the clients do not qualify for their initial funding requests.
Indeed, I haven't come up with anything for which it is a better solution than what currently exists.
«To say they are not going to target that now indicates they are far from coming up with solutions to the main problem.»
(BTW, the keeping inherited house vacant for decades is not as uncommon as one would think — anyone out there who can come up with a workable solution to converting probate and inherited family property into rentals could have an amazing business).
Well, this morning we compared notes and we had come up with two differing solutions, both of which may or may not be accepted by the governing authority on this job.
So, instead of being «overwhelmed by the problem and giving up», resigning to accept the fact that it just wouldn't work, we decided to try to come up with another solution.
Immigration discussions have been tightening for months now and late last year, President Trump decided not to renew DACA in hopes that Congress could come up with a more permanent solution.
Wake up people, MAKE politicians answer questions and come up with solutions for the problems that matter (economy, wealth disparity, lost jobs etc etc), whether or not your kids learn the theory of evolution in school will be of little comfort if they have no home to go to after school.
Or, for those who do not like his solutions, the time has come to accept them as a challenge to come up with better ones.
I can not come up with a positive reason why a re-schedule and a played game is not the best solution.
So they came up with the neat solution of stating that god's time is somehow different than ours and that «today», «day» and «this generation» don't really mean what the usually do.
Although Whitehead never credits Bergson explicitly with these insights, it is clear that thinkers within a process framework are the ones who are obliged to come up with a solution to this sort of problem, while more traditional thinkers do not often or ever worry about the ways in which the intellect distorts reality by subsuming it in a spatialized conceptual scheme, or how the concrete process of thinking is distinct from thought.
It is not up to the atheist movement to come up with solutions as we have different values and understandings on the way the universe works for example... There are humanists, secularists, skeptics, free thinkers, misogynists etc etc..
Oftentimes, as you sleep, your subconscious mind (or call it your Spiritual mind) sorts through the teaching to come up with insights you hadn't thought of before, or solutions to problems you couldn't understand, or things that you need to take out of your sermon or Bible study lesson.
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