Sentences with phrase «n't contributing to the bottom line»

Big Oil is discovering that blindly chasing production growth through developing ever more costly reserves isn't contributing to the bottom line.

Not exact matches

This may be difficult for divisions that are cost centers such as accounting and product development as they don't directly contribute to growth or bottom - line improvements.
Nevertheless, the majority of cellphone users don't know they have such options and those thousands of stories contribute to some of the most solid wireless bottom lines in the world.
The company does not disclose any statistics on how VR has contributed to its bottom line other than to say that the technology has driven interest and traffic to its stores.
And the fraction - of - a-fraction of the purchase price that ends up contributing to the company's bottom line isn't going to either keep SodaStream in business or put them out of it.
Bottom line: Practical gifting is boss, not only because it means less clutter you need to deal with but you (and your family and friends who wish to contribute) will be building towards something.
«While there is ample evidence that a healthy and safe workforce can tangibly contribute to the bottom line of most self - insured midsized and large employers, demonstrated causality may not be necessary to inform investors.»
Now that doesn't mean our muscle strength, flexibility or shoe type don't contribute to injuries (more on this in later posts...) but the bottom line is that a runner only incurs injury by running!
The bottom line is that our students go home to their families each night, and sometimes this is a situation that is not what we want for them - either not reinforcing what is happening at school, or even actively contributing to the children's trauma.
The bottom line: The activists are worried that if she becomes president, she won't depart much from President Obama's education reform policies, which critics say have contributed to the privatization of public education.
But e-books still don't contribute much to the bottom line.
(The market for my mystery is global and CreateSpace provides global distribution) Now that having been said, I do not know what label would be applied to our enterprise but we refer to ourselves as independent author / publishers and I really do not care what label MWA would apply because I do not know how they would contribute to my bottom line and therefore they are irrelevant.
Bottom line is it's not sensible for most people to just forfeit the company match and not contribute to at least get that dollar for dollar match.
Today, these programs are not only helping Pet World engage the next generation of prospective pet owners, they are actually contributing to the store's bottom line.
As much as we love getting the most for our points, hotels and airlines are not in the business of giving away more for less, so I would bet that Hilton (along with individual properties) will continue to tweak these redemption options to ensure that they are being utilized but are also contributing to their bottom line.
Declaring that as the dead horse does not have to be fed, it is less costly, carries lower overhead and therefore contributes substantially more to the bottom line of the economy than do some other horses.
If you know how to market effectively, then you've just made yourself incredibly valuable to a small office that's going to want you to contribute to the office's bottom line in the not - too - distant future.
«Leaning In» is not only about working hard — it's also about being clear about how that work you do contributes to the bottom line.
But if you are going for, let's say, an admin role, in which you don't expect to have any customer contact, then your ability to contribute to the bottom line may be less obvious.
At a larger level, you provided value to a featured entrée — landing and retaining longstanding clients contributing thousands if not millions to revenue and profits measured to the company's bottom line or contributing to strategic initiatives that impacted corporate marketing, branding, communications, product development, competitive market intelligence... and so forth.
Knowledge of or acting upon current events does not contribute to the immediate bottom line for them as a group after all.
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