Sentences with phrase «n't document»

Most client disputes occur when clients claim that they were not informed about critical matter aspects — especially if you can't document when, how and who at your firm addressed these disputed details with your client.
Admittedly, you can't document everything on every file, but taking the time to document unusual things or issues that seemed to concern the client can be very helpful in the event of a claim, especially if you have a difficult or demanding client.
«Lawyers often don't document the nature of their inquiries, even if they do ask the questions.
Because not doing so may make any injuries you have get worse and they may become more difficult to treat down the road (meaning you will be in pain longer), and, in my experience, it most likely will hurt your personal injury case if you don't document your injuries right away, even if you decide to pursue legal counsel.
One of the things I see is that many times lawyers had a good explanation as to things but they didn't document their files well enough.
They didn't make up those rules — they know skeptics won't just take their word they did the validation if they didn't document it.
Nice try distracting everyone's attention with the whole ENSO adjusted issue, but you said you wouldn't answer me given that I didn't document the source of the info I was quoting.
If you want to advance your cause why don't you document how these indicators are unprecedented in the last 1000 years.
She doesn't document musicians, models or actors onstage or...
There really isn't much that we can't document with our trusty camera.
I have adventures in South Korea and Vietnam particularly that I didn't document so well as I wasn't blogging.
Remember: If you can't document it, you can't use it.
They can't know if the loan will be repaid if you don't document it, and it doesn't look like a loan if you aren't charging for TMV.
Lenders used the now infamous stated - income mortgage and the no - doc loan to qualify borrowers who couldn't document their employment or income.
At the same time, most investors will be proceeding mostly on faith since we can't document Mr. B's track record.
If it is above a certain level it shows the lender you are a good credit risk — even if you can't document all your income.
These are also good choices for those who can't document their income through basic pay stubs.
Maybe they can't document their income, he said, or have a poor credit history.
«Since you can't document that a cash deposit is not a loan, it could force the lender to decline your loan.»
For if I don't document our world right now, on this ambiguously stained paper, with my fading pen, in my delirious left - handed penmanship, we will risk fading into the foam of history without mention.
She doesn't document her son Ronan's death from Tay - Sachs disease symptom by symptom, but she maps the progress of her own sorrow as she seeks to accept his fate.
Sam Elworthy, of the Publishers Association of NZ, said «We can't document eBook sales easily.
Principals complained about it and used it as an excuse for why they couldn't document poor performance when they saw it.»
The old - fashioned best practice of documentation is still considered «gold,» and, therefore, if you don't document, you actually lose gold you could have easily found.
We liked the idea of doing a documentary about something you couldn't document.»
It doesn't document which exercises they were doing.
It doesn't document the weight lifted, the medical histories, whether they were using barbells — nothing, except that they were «lifting weights» and then had a hemorrhage.
But he doesn't document his assertion that the effect on them was profound.
A couple dozen state legislators were on the commission's radar screen because their campaign finance disclosure reports didn't document some expenses or failed to itemize their spending to detail precisely what they spend their money on.
A couple dozen state legislators were on the commission's radar screen because their campaign finance disclosure reports didn't document some expenses or failed to -LSB-...]
Plus, I swear at least one or two people have brought it up in conversation lately, though I can't document it.
«I can't document anything,» says Torrence, «but for five years I have felt that we have to say what we know as athletes.
Food historians can't document the start of sausage making but we know that the process began as a way to preserve meat that couldn't be immediately eaten.
I didn't document and shoot photos of every dish I created (though more of them went on instagram), but I noticed my meals across the course of a day typically followed a general pattern.
Food historians can't document the start of sausage making but we know that the process began as...
I read two articles last year (which I didn't document, like you, thinking it was out of the question) about pedophiles making the exact same argument as the present day argument that homosexuals have taken from the cause of the Black people; «they were born that way.»
Yet, for applicants who can't document a future student loan payment, this seemingly small change can have profound effects FHA mortgage approval.
But the constitution in question isn't the document that laid the groundwork for American democracy.
One of Scroggin's clients had a $ 1 million life insurance policy, but didn't document it among his assets.
Just 35 percent of content marketers actually have a documented strategy (48 percent say they have one, but it's not documented), according to the study.
If you're not documenting your process, then you're left to playing the guessing game and have no accountability.
They aren't documented.
And if the loan isn't documented, you may find yourself with no legal recourse.
Depending upon the lender there will likely be different document requirements, but having these documents (or at least the information) at your fingertips will make it much easier to apply for a loan at the local bank or an online small business lender regardless of whether or not the documents are required:
There is widespread agreement with the view presented in the article on homosexuality in Baker's Dictionary of Christian Ethics (edited by Carl F. Henry [Baker Book House, 1973]-RRB-, which declares that «those who base their faith on the OT and NT documents can not doubt that their strong prohibitions of homosexual behavior make homosexuality a direct transgression of God's law.»
We have one purpose toward those who seek us out and grow and maintain our membership, (which is NOT documented anywhere) we pass on for free what has been freely given to us (this is a manifestation of God's Grace!)
«Most change has taken place so rapidly and in such confined geographic areas that it is simply not documented by our imperfect fossil record,» according to Steven Stanley («Darwin Done Over,» the Sciences, October 1981).
It is of fundamental importance to remember that basically these testaments are not documents at all, as though they were analogous to the charter of the League of Nations and that of the United Nations.
Again start with the studies of Professors Crossan and Ludemann followed by the epic NT review by the RCC approved tome by Professor Father Raymond Brown (878 pages) where he reviews the authors of all the NT documents, gospels and epistles.
But the Bible is not a document that sets forth an international game plan.
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