Sentences with phrase «n't dream big»

Sometimes we don't dream big enough.
Herjavec says at 22, he didn't dream big enough — and that's why he didn't quite understand how to channel creativity into something tangible.
Sandberg thinks that «something» is an «ambition gap» — that women do not dream big enough.
Sandberg thinks that «something» is an «ambition gap» — that women do not dream big enough.
why not dream big, i say!
Perhaps I'm simply not dreaming big enough, but I fail to see a single way where an HSE fails and the Supercharged and Autobiography models succeed.
You definitely won't be able to fault TAG Heuer for not dreaming big, especially in an age when the future of luxury watch brands is being put under the spotlight.

Not exact matches

If you dream of owning a business but aren't sure about what kind, here are some valuable ways you can find your next big business idea.
Not only did my parents pay for college, they encouraged me to dream big.
Choice is one of the few things that most people leave out of the equation when thinking about all of the reasons that separates those who achieve their biggest goals and dreams compared to those who don't.
Most importantly, don't be afraid to dream big here.
It's not enough to dream big.
Without the effort, it doesn't matter how «big» your dreams are.
While it is a dream of many startups to be featured in a big publication, not all announcements will fit.
Don't go for the big number when negotiating with investors, says serial entrepreneur Gurbaksh Chahal, founder of RadiumOne and author of «The Dream
But I never dreamed bigger, because my dad worked in a factory, and my mom was a receptionist, and I didn't know anyone who had made a million, or anything at all like that.
Often those dreams are never realized, because the CEOs assume — correctly — that they can't afford the big, third - party software packages their industry's giants run.
Let me give you an example: being a SaaS from Eastern Europe with only 3 employees and just a big dream hasn't given us too many options:)
«Setting achievable goals and dreaming big are not mutually exclusive.
Fulfilling their need for love will allow them to become free, to innovate, to feel responsible, and to do something most employees in big corporations don't do: dream & care.
This isn't a dream; it's science — and soon, maybe, a big business.
Though I wasn't a millennial, I was in a similar headspace that many young, aspiring entrepreneurs are today: I had big dreams, a desire to achieve something more, and limited experience leading a team.
There are certainly plenty of entrepreneurs who don't dare to dream as big as he does, and who accomplish far less.
Organic reach is obviously a big dream for you guys (and I sure don't know the answer, and if I did at one point, I'm not sure it's pertinent today!)
Los Angeles isn't just the place where dreams come to life on the big screen: It's also the place where restaurant delivery...
Ms. Stewart wasn't selling anything at the Alibaba event, but she did plug a signifier of the American dream — a big open kitchen.
As you will read countless times throughout Small Business, BIG Vision, there isn't just one practical way to achieve your dreams.
«I have everything that I dreamed of doing at scale as possible, it's just not cheap enough and it's also not big enough.
Here's an interesting Bloomberg piece on what bond guru Bill Gross is calling «financial repression», but what you can just call «low interest rates» The big story is that the world is still crawling out of a near - depression, and there is not a central banker in the developed world who would dare dream of pushing interest rates to anything above a number you could count out on the fingers of one hand (and seriously, in most countries you could leave out the thumb and index finger as well).
It's big opportunity for those, who even didn't dream to become six figures income earners.
Precursor Ventures is not yet a big name in venture capital, but it's taking on a big mission: Making sure more entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds get an equal shot at venture capital dollars and their Silicon Valley dreams.
An eager and ecstatic group of young entrepreneurs was out to prove that Ottawa isn't just a government town, but a city full of big dreams worth chasing, at Friday's 20th annual...
Cheap and accessible capital has advantages: More founders get the opportunity to pursue big dreams and previously «unfundable companies» not only raise huge amounts of money, but some ultimately achieve unicorn status.
Finding the balance between ambition and contentment isn't easy, but it's part of living with big dreams
If it means anything (and probably won't to anyone) after reading all the comments I dreamed Shiva was in a big muddy river with no skin on his body and the snake around his neck split into two heads and one bit me... and then I woke up sick.»
Isn't a room designated for creativity supposed to be messy???! I hope some day you get your dream studio, with lots of shelves, a big window with an inspirational view... each corner serving it's own purpose.
The sermons that are preached from our pulpits may not be as bad as mine was, but most Father's Day sermons tend to beat up on dads rather than encourage them and challenge them to dream big, take risks for God, embark on an adventure, charge ahead, and be a man!
When the direction of our lives — not our geographical location, but our inner direction — is dictated by the compensation or prestige levels of employment, or by our dreams of a bigger house or new car or nice vacation trip or comfortable retirement, then we have chosen to place these first and God second, and the god we worship is not God.
He dreams not of big cities and moving boxes and sexy locations around the world, he dreams of homesteads, of now - grown - tinies coming home to him in his big garden, of roots deeper than a desert mesquite (has anyone yet preached a sermon on the metaphor of how deserts have the plants with the deepest roots?).
Even as we dream big dreams for The Mission, we can't help but wonder how long it will take before someone hurts someone else's feelings or someone feels God leading in a different direction than someone else or someone spills the beans and admits she watches «The Bachelor.»
And she's really busy with her full - time career, where the biggest dream now isn't winning a Dove Award or getting a gold record, it's getting the little one potty trained.
«My head is so big,» Merrick confides to her, «because it is so full of dreams Do you know what happens when dreams can not get out?»
She told us to «dream big,» even if it seems silly or stupid, because if you don't start big, then what's the point?
Dream big friends, don't hold back!
Obviously this is just a once a year treat, twice if you're like me with two dogs, six on a ranch if you're my dream, so it's not a big deal that it might have some extra calories.
I created it to make you guys dream big and to see if, together, we can give your favorite foods a healthy high - protein makeover — so that you can enjoy them with gusto and fit them into your diet without ever feeling an ounce of guilt or a hint of «I shouldn't have».
what a scrumptious torte you made, I am usually not that interested in sweets, but THIS one is making me dream... dream about a big slice, that is
Here's what I've dreamed up so far, and it's damn good: I stuffed big, gorgeous poblano peppers with queso fresco (let's not kid ourselves — poblanos need cheese).
«If your dreams don't scare you, they aren't big enough.»
Don't be afraid of your dreams and dream big.
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