Sentences with phrase «n't dull the pain»

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We can dull pain, but we can't elude it.
But to accept the cross does not mean either that we should take a perverse pleasure in pain or be so dulled that we no longer feel it.
These include not remembering a discrete traumatic injury, generally having dull discomfort as opposed to sharp / stabbing feelings, having pain that lessens as they progress through their sporting activity (i.e. as one warms up) rather than pain which persists in the heat of the game, and having a diffuse area of pain rather than a specific location.
It is a little scary to think about, but at the same time I am very interested in the intimacy provided by birthing at home, and although there will obviously be pain, I am keen to make sure that my rememberances of the esxperience are not dulled by drugs.
This is something that every nursing mother I've talked to experiences for 4 - 8 weeks, and it gradually gets duller and duller, but the idea that any pain means you're doing it wrong is not entirely accurate.
If you don't want to get an epidural but you still want something to dull the pain a little, there are some medications that your doctor can give you.
It's «natural» to give birth vaginally without medication, but it's also «natural» for people to use whatever means are available to dull their pain and discomfort and to get a baby out if vaginal birth isn't happening or no longer safe.
Referring to Fire and Death: my twin ate a month old and they're ate times throughout the day when they are NOT nursing that my nipple or the area around it feels like a dull constant pain almost like it's on fire.
The details on this count almost don't matter, since both the circuit - breaker and the rebate simply amount to more pain - dulling medication on top of the $ 3.3 billion School Tax Relief (STAR) program.
Today, the Appropriations Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives passed a spending bill that wouldn't cut quite as deep — just 6.4 % — but that's not doing much to dull the pain.
Doctors aren't sure exactly how it works, but one theory is that it releases endorphins, feel - good chemicals that help dull pain, says Dr. Shirazian.
A recent study suggests that taking acetaminophen may not only dull your physical pain, but your ability to feel others» pain as well.
You know that feeling when you start to get sick — the lethargy, the dull ache in your body, pain in your joints, or that dragging feeling of not being fully awake?
They won't cure your sore throat or help you fight off the underlying cold, but they may help dull the pain temporarily.
It seems to be helping a little, but I still do not feel normal and have a dull pain all the time.
I am 40 years old and have been suffering (taking a deep breath): diarrhea, constipation, bloating after meals, acute pain in my sternum, as well as (May or May not be related) chronic water retention in hands, legs, feet, abdomen face and eyelids, dental issues (ulcers, infections), frequent sore throats, skin rashes resembling eczema mostly on my fingers, dull skin, fogginess, for roughly 10 years.
Turns out the hit of morphine wasn't enough to actually dull the pain — women were still very much in pain — they just had no memory of it.
How about feasting your eyes on a woman who climbs out, pulls the tree limb from her body with the help of a peyote substance that not only dulls pain but makes her into a Wonder Woman?
They can not talk to us about the chronic dull pain that is associated with dental disease, yet we know they feel it.
They can not tell you about the pain - the constant dull headache.
It is important not to cut into the quick because it will bleed and cause pain to the cat — cut off just the sharp tip of the claw to dull the nail.
We even utilize rubber stoppers so the needle is dull enough for a pet not to experience serious amounts of pain.
Ask the vet for a middle of the road dose; one that helps dull the pain, but does not completely stop it, unless the injury is so severe that your dog needs a healthy dose of painkillers to even rest comfortably.
«He felt a dull pain in his chest — not exactly pain, but more like the difference in air pressure at the point where the material and the immaterial meet.»
Mr. Shaw's evidence at trial was consistent with the circumstances surrounding the accident and Justice Glustein accepted Mr. Shaw's evidence that he did not mention his left knee pain as it was a dull pain which he thought would go away in an hour or two.
As a BlackBery user in Korea, it is a bit of a pain that Kakao Talk (along with many other Korean apps) isn't yet available here — not least because the What» sApp interface, IMHO, is strikingly dull.
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