Sentences with phrase «n't erupt»

Fortunately, volcanoes don't erupt every day.
We also use dental radiographs to diagnose missing teeth, or teeth that are trapped in the bone and can't erupt.
However, unlike in Fairytale Fights, your enemies won't erupt in fountains of blood but instead will do what you'd expect.
What's most shocking is that a puff of dust and cobwebs don't erupt from his mouth every time it creaks open to deliver another pun about Trollope / trollop and Ruebens / Rueben (the corned beef and sauerkraut variety).
The plot tends to become muddled, probably because it is never really defined sufficiently, although I suppose from the way that what we do know is delivered, we can be thankful that heavily detailed conversations didn't erupt now and then, which would probably make the entire film intolerable.
The enormous volcano underneath Yellowstone National Park is one of those lurking dangers that probably won't erupt soon and leave a...
(although this is a slight disadvantage, there are many bigger advantages to having a child who's feelings don't erupt through their behaviour all the time, I promise you!)
On some occasions, the tail doesn't erupt through the meat at all - slice the almond in half lengthwise to see it.
These people did not erupt equal hate and seething when Mitt Romney wrote it into Romneycare in Massachussets.
I have seen cartoons of other religious figures and violence does not erupt?
The volcano does not erupt.
I think it's the calm before the storm that may or may not erupt, depending on how the next few games (Malaga, Juve, Barca) go.
If your child's temperature continues to rise, then the culprit isn't his erupting teeth.
She will quickly start to get the first of her 32 permanent teeth at about the same time, although the last of the permanent teeth (the wisdom teeth) may not erupt until the high - school years.
If this does not erupt into a P.R. war, then anyone who has ever made a deal with Kruger, on both sides of the aisle, should expect to see the right hand of political death coming their way.
The success of atomic bombs lies in their not being used: State A does not attack state B because it fears B will use its nuclear stockpile in retaliation; thus, war does not erupt.
As Johnson says: «If something hasn't erupted for the last 47 million years, you can call it completely extinct.»
But most new crust is not erupted and added to the sea floor, but is but is tacked on to the base of the crust.
The team is convinced the glassy spherules weren't erupted from a volcano — another way they could have been made.
It has not erupted since 1903, but both governments are concerned that Japan's recent earthquake may have destabilised the tectonic plates the mountain sits on.
The large filament to the upper right of the H - alpha image did not erupt, but rotated out of view and did not reappear.
Occasionally the permanent teeth do not erupt immediately, and therefore do not force the baby teeth out.
Missing teeth (hypodontia) usually occur in the premolar area, but any tooth in the mouth may not erupt.
«The reason is firstly, the mountain hasn't erupted yet.
Though Mombacho hasn't erupted in decades (the last time was in 1570) there are still puffs of fumes that escape, a reminder that she is just dozing.
Mount Agung hasn't erupted for more than 50 years.
«The mountain has not erupted until now, the earthquake happens less frequently but the magnitude is getting stronger,» Gede Suantika, a senior volcanologist at the agency told AFP.
The family had stayed at the same sports centre in September and October when the volcano's alert was at the highest level for several weeks but it did not erupt.
«I am sure it has not erupted.
The region did not erupt with any significant solar storms, although it still might.
Parts of Etna, for example, are slumping at around 20 cm a year, which means that it will probably not erupt any time soon.
That does not mean that it could not erupt into one.
I combine a phone interview with the worksheets to garner forethought, introspection, and clarification from my clients that will not erupt solely through either a phone interview or worksheet.

Not exact matches

For example, on Friday Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin acknowledged there's «a level of risk» that the tariff dispute between the U.S. and China will erupt into a full - scale trade war — something investors clearly don't want.
«True, there are encouraging signs of economic recovery in those advanced economies most affected by the global financial crisis which erupted in 2008... [but] the report finds that those economic improvements will not be sufficient to absorb the major labor market imbalances that built up in recent years.»
Scientists don't know when, or if, Yellowstone will erupt again.
I didn't want my volcano erupting with lava.
Jumpstarting your day the right way will not only get you started on the right foot but can help prevent those dreaded end - of - day crises from erupting.
It's going to happen sooner or later: The stresses and annoyances of work will build up inside you to the point that you just can't hold it in any longer — so you erupt in a string of complaints to any co-worker who will listen.
Germany's finance minister since the Greek crisis erupted in 2010, Mr. Schäuble is known as resilient and forceful, with a Germanic embrace of the rules and a Nietzschean attitude of «That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.»
Let's think worst case — should the currency collapse in your home country... and should a bank run ensue... and should the government mandate that all banks then close for no less than a week... and should subsequent food shortages take place... and should no clean water be available... and should the electricity and heat not work... and should violent protests, riots, and widespread looting erupt...
As a relative newcomer to the company, a former BMW executive who joined only two months before an emissions scandal erupted, Mr. Diess is not associated with the wrongdoing that continues to weigh heavily on the company's image and finances, and that remains the subject of major criminal investigations by German and United States authorities.
Similarly, the Trump White House is mired in investigations circling the activities of Trump's motley, amateurish campaign crew — Donald Trump Jr. and Carter Page and George Papadopoulos and Michael Flynn and Jared Kushner would have been nowhere near the center of a normal presidential operation — and those investigations are discouraging new staffers from joining the administration because they don't want the hefty legal fees of getting caught in the Russia investigation or whatever scandal may erupt next.
Ross has said that lumber and dairy have erupted as irritants because they are not properly addressed in the North American Free Trade Agreement, which Trump has threatened to scrap if it can't be renegotiated.
People with deep - seated and diametrically opposed views aren't the only reason Facebook debates erupt.
Because etiquette is both voluntary and flexible, and thus able to prevent or settle a myriad of minor disputes that would otherwise have to be handled by the law, often after first erupting into violence, a complex society can not operate properly without using both etiquette and, where voluntary compliance fails, law.
If Jews erupted into rage and violent demonstrations every time they were denigrated and disrespected, there wouldn't be a moment of silence anywhere, anytime.
Had those situations been addressed more directly the last time they erupted, they might not even be under discussion now or maybe wouldn't seem so volatile for the recipients of Julie McMahon's pointed narrative and challenges.
You don't have to be a parent or have a large family to appreciate the various noises that emanate from a full home: The laughter erupting from the most recent funny word uttered by a precious little one who is still learning to talk.
The Twittersphere erupted with reasons why Coates was wrong (many of those tweeting also betrayed themselves by not reading the article, as Gene Demby reported in «How to Tell Who Hasn't Read the New «Atlantic» Cover Story»).
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