Sentences with phrase «n't experience»

It releases a load off to know that what I experience is unique to me and just because I do something differently or I don't experience something, it doesn't mean I am weird or that I'm not really a Christian.
This isn't the experience of every woman in the church.
Based on your comments above regarding the Buddhists monks, it is clear / obvious that if I didn't experience adverse effects when engaging in intense / deep prayer and meditation but instead experienced oneness and tranquility just like the Buddhist monks then for sure, you wouldn't accuse me of being an unorthodox enthusiast engaging in self - manufactured religion.
This wasn't my experience.
The unsaved don't experience the blessings of the Spirit that are mentioned.
For abused men and boys, speaking up in patriarchal settings is incredibly difficult and will likely cause them to experience ridicule due to the belief that «real men don't experience abuse.»
You didn't experience the real America.
But if you don't experience HIM first then Bible knowledge is just a compilation of facts, they are true, but they don't have any place of reference, without HIM.
While I can completely understand where both of them are coming from, that wasn't my experience with the film at all.
doesn't mean some of us won't experience total healing from some sin here on earth... you don't want to see it so i won't argue w / you about it but MD is a bully... peace.
Winfrey's response may have been well intended, but it erased Nyad's atheist identity and suggested something entirely untrue and, to many atheists like me, offensive: that atheists don't experience awe and wonder.
That's because to him they don't exist and he can't experience them.
I also get a bit riled up when people imply that atheists (and yes mechanists too) can't experience love, joy, happiness, or wonder.
You can't experience every trial of man without having had a wife and children, especially teenagers.
Bullies don't experience this fatigue.
I can tell you there are many things happening that do not get reported on the news... and as I've said before, because one doesn't experience 100 % success, that doesn't mean one stop and totally discount the word.
Shouldn't our experience, strength & hope be passed on?
I'm going to assume you are just describing your experience, which isn't my experience.
My post-traumatic stress disorder therapist told me that a soldier doesn't experience trauma when he's brave and fighting on the battlefield.
BTW, as a Christian I believe in the Trinitarian Mystery and while I realize that «when you get One, you get them all», I have a more intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit than I do with either the Father or Jesus, the Son, even though I don't experience most of the «psychological fireworks» that many Charismatic / Pentecostal Christians frequently do.
Without this unsettling process we wouldn't experience the necessary development of our own spirituality or see our own fruit.
But the logical atheist would think... billions of people experience something that I don't experience, sure they call it by different names, but they still are experiencing something.
Why isn't my experience just as valid as yours, TownC?
We won't experience real freedom from worry unless we start by naming it.
You know dwayne, I didn't serve with you, so I can't say you didn't experience some form of forced religion (outside of bootcamp).
Lin, keep in mind that if you do everything they say, and still don't experience god it just means you are doing it wrong, not that god doesn't exist.
Because you can't experience real love with a person until you've experienced the entirety of a person — the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful.
That's why a market order is best used when buying stocks that don't experience wide price swings — large, steady blue - chip stocks as opposed to smaller, more volatile companies.
Isn't experience part of the manner in which we understand our world?
With ForeAccumulation, you can't experience market - based losses, regardless of market performance.1 This fixed index annuity also includes a Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Value (GMAV) feature.2
But to believe that we can't experience a recession or further market weakness because a single magazine cover expresses concern about that possibility is just naïve.
It's hard to envision an event running decades that doesn't experience troughs and peaks.
With Choice Accumulation, you can't experience market - based losses, regardless of market performance.1 This fixed index annuity also includes a Guaranteed Minimum Accumulation Value (GMAV) feature.
It doesn't mean that we won't experience inflation or higher bond yields at times, but we're likely to live in a low - yield environment for a very long while.
This moment of checking your gut, however, is as good a time as any to consider whether you have the right proportion of your money in stocks versus other options like cash, bonds or real estate that don't experience this kind of volatility or may not rise or fall in tandem with stocks.
Unlike the effects of most Central Banks on currency pairs with a currency associated with the specific bank, the EURGBP doesn't experience much movement when the ECB is having its monthly meetings.
There is no reason to think we can't experience another long period of low returns.
The key is knowing how much to budget for costs you didn't experience as a renter.
That's not to say I haven't experience my fair share of losses and frustration, because I have, but my passion for trading and natural knack for understanding market dynamics kept my head above water long enough for me to discover the best trading technique in the world; price action analysis.
This means that p / c companies can't experience massive «runs» in times of widespread financial stress, a characteristic of prime importance to Berkshire that we factor into our investment decisions.»
While high yield didn't experience a 2008 - style meltdown this year, it did struggle, experiencing negative returns and more volatility.
You need to diversify your income sources so that you don't experience constant feast or famine.
In other words, if real earnings didn't experience their deepest drawdown ever, stocks wouldn't appear so expensive.
«We didn't experience the same boom - to - bust cycle that we had in the past.»
Diversification can not guarantee gains, or that you won't experience a loss, but does aim to provide a reasonable trade - off of risk and reward for your personal situation.
Others asked that long - term funding for mental health treatment be made available, saying some won't experience triggers for months or even years.
If you decide that continuous birth control — or skipping the placebo week — is the right choice for you, you won't experience a period at all.
The company owner doesn't experience the dependence so sharply.
But no one in the VC world is so sanguine as to suggest that, sooner or later, we won't experience a market pullback.
No one is suggesting that you won't experience more physical and cognitive benefits from a regular exercise program than you do from one quick, ten - minute walk.
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